Tax season is almost over, which means my hiatus from all my hobbies is almost over too! Although I haven’t gotten any writing done since tax season started, I did use my sock machine to make this swatch of Hidden Treasure, one of my (favorite) colorways!
#yarn #circularsockknittingmachine #knitting
#knitting #circularsockknittingmachine #yarn
That absolutely orgasmic moment when I remove the ribber and see a perfect sock!
#CircularSockKnittingMachine #Knitting #KnittingSocks #ActuallyAutistic
#ActuallyAutistic #knittingsocks #knitting #circularsockknittingmachine
Latest socks I made for my daughter.
#CSM #Knitting #KnittingSocks #ActuallyAutistic #CircularSockKnittingMachine
#circularsockknittingmachine #ActuallyAutistic #knittingsocks #knitting #csm
While I’ve been mulling over how to finish off #TheFirstSinWIP I’ve done more work with my CSM and have successfully made two pairs of socks that fit! It’s very gratifying, as the machine does have quite a bit of a learning curve to it.
#circularsockknittingmachine #sockknitting #socks #knitting #TheFirstSinWIP
Well. Shit happens.
Just when I had it working perfectly.
#3dprintingfailure #3dprinting #circularsockknittingmachine
Achievement unlocked. On the circular sock knitting machine that my partner Steve and I 3d printed and assembled, I have now k fitted a sock while drunk. 😎🤣
#CircularSockKnittingMachine #3dPrinting #3dprint #sock #KnittingSocks #Knitting #CSM
#csm #knitting #knittingsocks #sock #3dprint #3dprinting #circularsockknittingmachine
When I’m not writing, I do…a lot of things, but one thing is fiber arts. Recently I bought a circular sock knitting machine and today I completed my first pair of socks on it!
#circularsockknittingmachine #fiberarts #knitting #socks
What a great day! After WEEKS of working on building a 3d printed circular sock knitting machine (CSM) with Steverino, I had final success today of the last part, which was getting the ribber to work correctly.
In this picture is a sock I made today with 180 rows of 1x1 ribbing without a single dropped stitch, a knee sock that will fit my feet and long legs.
I am a very happy camper!🥳🎊🍻🎉🤓😎
#CircularSockKnittingMachine #CSM #Knitting #AutisticSpecialInterests #ActuallyAutistic #3dPrinting
#3dprinting #ActuallyAutistic #autisticspecialinterests #knitting #csm #circularsockknittingmachine
This little knitted tube looks kinda rough, BUT, it is 1x1 ribbing successfully produced on my ribber. That is, my 3d printed ribber and my 3d printed circular sock knitting machine. It is late, and I am tired, but wow success is sweet after working on it so long.
#circularsockknittingmachine #knitting #3dprinting
This is a picture of the machine that we built. Many have asked about where we got the files, and they are available on Thingiverse for free. There is also a redesign available on Printables that I would definitely use if I was starting now.
#AutisticSpecialInterests #3dPrinting #Knitting #CSM #CircularSockKnittingMachine
#circularsockknittingmachine #csm #knitting #3dprinting #autisticspecialinterests
VICTORY! My partner (also autistic) and I have successfully built a 3D printed circular sock knitting machine, and this weekend I was able to complete the first pair of socks on it! I am so freaking excited!
#Autistic #3dprint #3dprinting #Knitting #KnittingSocks #CircularSockKnittingMachine #CSM
#csm #circularsockknittingmachine #knittingsocks #knitting #3dprinting #3dprint #autistic
My partner is also printing updates for the new camshell in preparation for adding the ribber attachment.
#circularsockknittingmachine #csm #3dprinting #knitting
When not chasing two minions & a cat around the house, I like to relax by making socks on my circular sock knitting machine. It's a Creelman Money Maker A, from 1893, and it takes me about an hour to hand crank a pair of socks.
I bought it when I first started having issues with my hands as a way to keep knitting when my #MS got too bad.
#CSKM #Knitting #yarnaddict #circularsockknittingmachine #art
#art #circularsockknittingmachine #yarnaddict #knitting #cskm #ms