Mary the Librarian · @TurnerMLIS
88 followers · 316 posts · Server

When you use your that comes from passing as a to individually call out women in a way that makes them a target for internet abuse you’re not helping the case. What it has done is make me even more cautious about folk on the community, not less. 6/7

#lgbtq #masccoded #notallmen #cisman #maleprivilege

Last updated 2 years ago

Mary the Librarian · @TurnerMLIS
88 followers · 316 posts · Server

Now, does it suck for someone who once had access to spaces before their transition to lose that now that they’ve transitioned and can ”pass” as a ? Yes. That had to hurt to lose access like that. Does that mean those groups should now be less cautious about a demographic that is statistically dangerous? No. They don’t owe you that 5/?

#cisman #lgbtq

Last updated 2 years ago