Bogi Takács · @bogiperson
1806 followers · 1421 posts · Server

I think now in Kansas with yesterday's law that passed, I am not legally allowed to use ANY gendered restroom.

Pls read content warned thread below (it's probably going to be short unless I lose my temper - I tried to calm down since last night)

#ksleg #kansas #uspol #uspoli #intersexism #cissexism #intersex #trans

Last updated 2 years ago

Bogi Takács · @bogiperson
1754 followers · 1272 posts · Server

Weird moment, what does this piece of legislation even mean?

(I'm guessing the governor will veto it, but what is even being proposed here?)

Great writeup of something both nonsensical and hurtful from the @lawrencekstimes -

#ksleg #intersex #cissexism #waitwhat #bathroombans #kansas #lfk

Last updated 2 years ago

Bogi Takács · @bogiperson
1741 followers · 1225 posts · Server

Hungary now officially censoring which books should receive translation funding from the state. Queer topics are explicitly disqualifying from funding.

Article in Hungarian, I'll keep an eye out for anything in English.

#hungary #censorship #queer #heterosexism #cissexism #lgbtqia #translation

Last updated 2 years ago

Bogi Takács · @bogiperson
1724 followers · 1166 posts · Server

Can someone bring me up to speed wrt the recent anti-queer legislation in ?

As someone who got Gay Married in Iowa.... It might be kind of important

#iowa #uspol #heterosexism #cissexism

Last updated 2 years ago

Bogi Takács · @bogiperson
1245 followers · 561 posts · Server

"Dühöt is szoktam érezni. Azt is szoktam érezni, hogy engem eltörölnek. Hogy hiába vagyok valaki, jön az állam és azt mondja: én mondom meg, hogy ki vagy."

Végre egy korrekt transz témájú cikk az ún. ellenzéki médiától (mert hát ezeket a dolgokat nagyon le kell írni és nagyon kevesen írják le, a baloldalon is) -

#hungary #magyarul #transz #trans #cissexism #magyarpolitika

Last updated 2 years ago

Aster :brilho2inavire2: :eld_e: · @Aster
314 followers · 10123 posts · Server

Do I Identify As Nonbinary Because Of Misogyny?

Video description: "A lot of people seem to think I identify as nonbinary because of misogyny - either because I'm trying to escape from it, or because I don't believe women can do the things I can. Here's why that's not the case!"

#cissexism #exorsexism #misgendering #transgender #nonbinary #TheoHendrie

Last updated 5 years ago

Aster :brilho2inavire2: :eld_e: · @Aster
314 followers · 10123 posts · Server

Cis People: PLEASE stop doing this... | Kat Blaque

Video description: "I was recently approached by a magazine who, i'm sure, had positive intention, but asked me some very invasive and frankly irrelevant questions. It inspired me to want to expand this conversation to the cis gaze and how frequently trans people are discussed as who a cis person believes they used to be as oppose to who they are now."

#transgender #cissexism #KatBlaque #transissues #transmisia #transmisogyny

Last updated 5 years ago

proudnb · @proudnb
456 followers · 1507 posts · Server

You don't have to correct people every time they are cissexist.

You, a nonbinary person, are not responsible for the ignorance, carelessness, and malice of cis people.

You can put your own comfort and safety above the possibility of educating your oppressors.

#cissexism #lgbtq #NonBinary

Last updated 6 years ago

proudnb · @proudnb
456 followers · 1507 posts · Server

It is possible that you may stop identifying as nonbinary one day, but it's unlikely. You came a long way to realize this was who you are.

On the other hand, we all start off thinking that we are cis and/or straight. For many of us, however, that was no more than a lie we hadn't questioned yet.

"Cis" as an identity is far less stable than nonbinary.

#cissexism #heteronormativity #exorsexism #NonBinaryPositivity #lgbtq #NonBinary #NonBinaryPride

Last updated 6 years ago