@tomcoates And what can that effort look like if you can't code?
I wish Mastodon would do something to get journalists and analysts to move from #Twitter to #Mastodon.
For months I see no improvement in #search for research, #cite function ect. That was all announced.
Beauty fans should go to #Threads, but I want the journalists. They're only on Twitter now because Mastodon can't get off the ground. 😡
#twitter #mastodon #search #cite #threads
If you like it #cite it! New #guidelines for software citation #dh2023 coming? #faire
➡️ Jettka, Daniel, Henny-Krahmer, Ulrike, Ferger, Anne, & Alvares Freire, Fernanda. (2023, June 30). Software Citation in the Digital Humanities. Digital Humanities 2023. Collaboration as Opportunity (DH2023), Graz, Austria. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8107576
#cite #guidelines #DH2023 #faire
Does anyone have information if #UBlockOrigin blocks #NeuroID (behavioural user scanning)?
#Cite from their #website:
"To improve identity decisioning, NeuroID has monitored hundreds of millions of customer journeys, delivering insight you do not have today."
#ublockorigin #neuroid #cite #website #frauddetection #DoNotTrackMe #privacy
Sachant que les systèmes politiques peuvent façonner les paysages :
▫️ Où situes-tu le régime actuel❓
▫️ Et parmi les 7 systèmes illustrés dans cet article, dans lequel aimerais-tu le plus vivre❓
#Utopie #société #Cité #SystèmePolitique #écologie
#utopie #societe #cite #systemepolitique #ecologie
Y a-t-il une société civile dans la #cité grecque antique ? Benjamin Gray revient sur la dichotomie binaire sphère politique / sphère privée en explorant les #inscriptions civiques.
« L’invention du social ? Délimiter la politique dans la cité grecque (de la fin de la période classique au début de la période impériale). »
👉 https://www.cairn.info/revue-annales-2022-4-page-633.htm
👉 https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/annales-histoire-sciences-sociales/article/abs/linvention-du-social/C1307AAD6A51FF2AA968967F1340CC13
#cite #inscriptions #Annales #histodons #antiquite
#EllisIsland, #LowerEastSideTenementMuseum, #Cité de l'histoire de l'immigration: In diesem Podcast widmen sich Annika Jäggi, Hannah Deußen und Leonie Sophie Renz einer vergleichenden Perspektive auf die drei international vielleicht bekanntesten Einwanderungsmuseen. Was wird dort gezeigt, wer trägt dafür die Verantwortung? Wie wurde der Ort für die Ausstellung gewählt? Mit diesen Fragen fächern sie das Tableau an Entscheidungen auf, die hinter einem solchen Einwanderungsmuseum stehen.
#ellisisland #lowereastsidetenementmuseum #cite
Les citations en HTML avec blockquote, cite et q - Alsacreations
#accessibilite #blockquote #cite #citation
La Tour (2023)
Un huis clos ronflant et en pilote automatique qui nous laisse un arrière-goût d’inachevé.
✍️ https://www.senscritique.com/film/la_tour/critique/284528751
#LaTour #GuillaumeNicloux #Hatik #HLM #Cité #Ghetto #Banlieue #Film #Cinema
#latour #guillaumenicloux #hatik #hlm #cite #ghetto #banlieue #film #cinema
Jardins Du Palais, Palais Épiscopal, Albi
#Albi #Tarn #France #Frankrijk #Frankreich #Façade #Facade #Huizen #Houses #Häuser #Kleurrijk #Colourful #Farbenfroh #Stad #City #Stadt #Cité #Romantiek #Romantic #Romantik #Fotografie #Photography #Snapshot #Publicdomain #Venstervrijdag #Fensterfreitag
https://www.instagram.com/p/CiieGDTrcX7/ by @reinoudk via @Instagram
#Fensterfreitag #venstervrijdag #publicdomain #snapshot #photography #fotografie #romantik #romantic #romantiek #cite #stadt #city #stad #farbenfroh #colourful #kleurrijk #hauser #houses #huizen #facade #frankreich #frankrijk #france #tarn #albi #WindowFriday
Jardins Du Palais, Palais Épiscopal, Albi
#Albi #Tarn #France #Frankrijk #Frankreich #Façade #Facade #Huizen #Houses #Häuser #Kleurrijk #Colourful #Farbenfroh #Stad #City #Stadt #Cité #Romantiek #Romantic #Romantik #Fotografie #Photography #Snapshot #Publicdomain #Venstervrijdag #Fensterfreitag
https://www.instagram.com/p/CiieGDTrcX7/ by @reinoudk via @Instagram
#Fensterfreitag #venstervrijdag #publicdomain #snapshot #photography #fotografie #romantik #romantic #romantiek #cite #stadt #city #stad #farbenfroh #colourful #kleurrijk #hauser #houses #huizen #facade #frankreich #frankrijk #france #tarn #albi #WindowFriday
@teachpaperless I’m seriously thinking about discussing this with my students, and suggesting they #cite AI’s including their questions and answers provided. But I expect their work to include personal observations, so AI plagiarism is less relevant to academic integrity in this case.
As always, remember to #cite the #geneontology http://geneontology.org/docs/go-citation-policy/, GO Term Finder https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15297299/, and REVIGO if you use it: doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0021800
.cite - rmv [Connection Verified]
#DeepBreaks #MinimalBreaks #Breakbeat #Breakbeats #Minimal #Deep #ElectronicDanceMusic #ElectronicMusic #DanceMusic #Music #nowPlaying #cite #rmv #CVU020 #ConnectionVerified
#deepbreaks #minimalbreaks #breakbeat #breakbeats #minimal #deep #electronicdancemusic #electronicmusic #dancemusic #music #nowplaying #cite #rmv #cvu020 #connectionverified
New #mastadon account, new feature! We're going to highlight #newpublications that feature (AND *importantly* #cite!!) the #geneontology. First winner is Marina Brasó-Vives et. al, who examined gene duplication in amphioxus vs. vertebrate genomes in #GenomeBiology. Read more at https://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-022-02808-6
#mastadon #newpublications #cite #GeneOntology #genomebiology
Ojd c pas jv au mariage du zincou ya tt les femmes kont les yeux rivé sur oim j entends des « il est trop beau lui » jfais zhma jentends pas brf jvais saluer la famille c pas le marié i mdit « dsl gamin tu peux pas rester t plus beau kmoi»ehaz c dur d être beau de nos jours #femmes #reubeubg #TN #bitume #tmax #cité
#femmes #reubeubg #tn #bitume #tmax #cite
How to #cite GBIF in a paper if you use data for multiple taxa? A few options to consider:
1) Include all taxa of interest in a single download request (we support up to 100K taxa), giving you a single DOI to cite
2) If you have already made several separate downloads, summarize them using a derived dataset (https://www.gbif.org/citation-guidelines#derivedDatasets), giving you a single DOI to cite
3) as a last resort: include a full list of all downloads as a supplement