Mel Campbell · @incrediblemelk
358 followers · 1229 posts · Server

Because I think citation management software is garbage that introduces extra data-entry errors and unwanted background code into your work, I have only just learned of the existence of , a free service that allowed people to share their academic reference lists like other social bookmarking sites

It used bookmarklets to automatically pull metadata from the most common databases

It shut down in 2019 because it was free and independent of any owner or publisher

Apparently the URL is some trash gambling site now

I found out about it while trying to add missing bibliographic details to my client's reference list by following a URL they had listed, which was a CiteULike URL

#citeulike #academicediting

Last updated 1 year ago

imdef · @imdef
11 followers · 56 posts · Server

All tools I know (, Papers, , etc.) do a terrible job with accents/umlauts and need to be hand corrected and I suspect this one is no different. However, it usually takes a few clicks on a journal webpage to get a entry. This program is at least as convenient and lends itself to automation.

#bibliographic #citeulike #bibtex #zotero

Last updated 2 years ago

fx dechaume-moncharmont · @fxdm
428 followers · 442 posts · Server

Bad news: after 15 years of operation, is closing down. I have tried and , but the workflow is less smooth when dealing with files. Do you recommend alternative ( centered) reference management software?

#citeulike #zotero #mendeley #bibtex #latex #publication #science

Last updated 6 years ago