@kat @arselectronica What an inspiring collection of #CiticenScience projects. Thank you for sharing! 😊
Moin! It's worth to have a closer look at #gulls (and other #birds) legs. Some are #colourringed and you might be surprised, where they came from. Local #HerringGull and #danish #BlackHeadedGull
#teamgull #SchleswigHolstein #CiticenScience #Birding #BalticSea
You can find the project and report them here https://cr-birding.org
#gulls #birds #colourringed #herringgull #danish #blackheadedgull #teamgull #schleswigholstein #citicenscience #birding #balticsea
RT @OpenBikeSensor@twitter.com
...plus nochmals 6485 protokollierte Überholvorgänge im Portal von @Radentscheid_E@twitter.com . Ergänzt gerne mit weiteren Portalen (spannend an #OpenSource #CiticenScience Projekten ist ja, dass man gar nicht immer sofort alles mitbekommt, was neu entsteht).
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/OpenBikeSensor/status/1526851912385044481