I got one student (out of 16) to volunteer at a Naturalization Ceremony in downtown Worcester, helping usher as ~600 people were naturalized. She said it was the highlight of her day and was so glad I mentioned the opportunity in class. Calling this a MAJOR teaching win! #citizennation #pedagogy #teaching #highered #volunteering #civics #citizenship #historianatwork #histodons
#citizennation #pedagogy #teaching #highered #volunteering #civics #citizenship #historianatwork #histodons
In Citizen Nation class, wrapping up a voting rights unit w/ post-election debrief tomorrow (still deciding what to say!). We will then pivot to a unit on immigration & naturalization in US history, policy, and identity. #citizennation #highered #pedagogy #historianatwork
#citizennation #highered #pedagogy #historianatwork