University works with schools to ‘grow wild citizens’
#bitternepark #Southampton #localnews #citizenscientists #sustainability
#sustainability #citizenscientists #localnews #southampton #bitternepark
University works with schools to ‘grow wild citizens’
#bitternepark #Southampton #localnews #citizenscientists #sustainability
#sustainability #citizenscientists #localnews #southampton #bitternepark
University works with schools to ‘grow wild citizens’
#bitternepark #Southampton #localnews #citizenscientists #sustainability
#sustainability #citizenscientists #localnews #southampton #bitternepark
(4/6) As a result, the Facebook #algorithm helps the character achieve further fame. Just one week later, friend requests from sympathizers of the scene start pouring in, and soon he is acquainted with activists of the ‘Identitären’ (also known as “The Austrians”) and their closest confidants. But during their research, the #CitizenScientists discover more and more ideologues and ideologies in Horst Schlagers’ profile. #citizenscience
#algorithm #citizenscientists #citizenscience
(1/6) Using the freely invented fictional character “Horst Schlager,” a team of #CitizenScientists from the Ars Electronica Center dove into the information bubbles of right-wing extremist communities on #Facebook to try out how the mechanisms of disinformation and social discourse function there …
Calling on #CitizenScientists to help fill the gap in the thousands of unphotographed native #plants
Wired: Citizen Scientists Show Light Pollution Erases Stars From the Sky #Tech #wired #TechNews #IT #Technology via @morganeogerbc #citizenscientists #environmentalism #Science/Space #urbanplanning #VanishingAct #Astronomy #pollution #Science #Lights #stars #space
#Tech #wired #technews #it #technology #citizenscientists #environmentalism #science #urbanplanning #vanishingact #Astronomy #pollution #lights #stars #space
In 2018, 11000 Swedish 🇸🇪 #CitizenScientists 🔬 responded to a national #SaveTheBees campaign. Lund University scientist are have found a few results. As expected the most gains were in older areas with species rich flowers. They found one centimetre diameter and smaller nest holes work best, and more;
#EnvironmentScienceNews #citizenscientists #savethebees
Find out why have seen a doubling of #citizenscientists monitoring UK #rivers: #endsewagepollution
#endsewagepollution #rivers #citizenscientists
I'm about to smoke some weed and lay down with my heating pad and relax with my EEG headset and record some of my brain waves which I then upload to GitHub, for citizen scientists to study for free!
#cannabis #weed #eeg #data #citizenscientists #cyberpunk #brainupload #brainwaves #neuroscience #neurology #BCI
#cannabis #weed #eeg #data #citizenscientists #cyberpunk #brainupload #brainwaves #neuroscience #neurology #bci
#Agroforstflächen können die #Ertragseinbußen (und auch dadurch minimierte #Gewerbesteuereinnahmen) mindern. Die richtigen Gehölze hätte man ja immer bereits gestern pflanzen sollen.
Der Deutscher Fachverband
für Agroforstwirtschaft (DeFAF) e.V. schlaut Unternehmer und #CitizenScientists dazu auf.
Das ist in guter Zeitpunkt die Bedingungen der #Pachtverträge zu überarbeiten.
#agroforstflachen #ertragseinbußen #gewerbesteuereinnahmen #citizenscientists #pachtvertrage
Where have all the #ChristmasBeetles gone? Want to help track them? There's a citizen science project, run by USyd, to enlist #CitizenScientists to do just that:
#christmasbeetles #citizenscientists
And some of them are exotic lenses: edge-on discs, inclined spirals, galaxies lensed by bulges, possible multiple sources, and many more. The #Hubble images and sharp eyes of #CitizenScientists reveal tiny arcs!
These were not the target of the observations, but lenses lying in the background of some famous #Hubble observations 🤩
The lenses were spotted by #CitizenScientists while searching for #asteroids in the project 👉
#hubble #citizenscientists #asteroids
The 2nd paper from the Hubble Asteroid Hunter project, led by, is now available in, making the front page 👉
Amazing work by #CitizenScientists finding 198 new strong gravitational lenses in data!
The 2nd paper from the Hubble Asteroid Hunter project led by is now available in, making the front page!
Amazing work by #CitizenScientists finding 198 new strong gravitational lenses in data!