RT @uniofleicester@twitter.com
There are just over two weeks left to apply for a funded PhD through our PhD Scholarship programme. Join our expert researchers in changing the world.
Be part of our #Future50 ➡️ https://le.ac.uk/study/research-degrees?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=pgr-future50&utm_content=research-degrees-main-page
#CitizensOfChange | #FundedPhD | @doctoralcollege@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/uniofleicester/status/1609912459502182401
#future50 #citizensofchange #fundedphd
RT @uniofleicester@twitter.com
Our expert in space policy/warfare and Assoc. Prof. of International Relations, Dr Bleddyn Bowen, is on @BBCRadio4@twitter.com tonight from 8pm, where he'll discuss the future of exploration on the Moon...🌘
Not one to miss. ▶️https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001g9jq
#CitizensOfChange @bleddb@twitter.com @DAaronovitch@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/uniofleicester/status/1605866207554506753
This week I’ve been chatting with media students and academics at University of Leicester about media response to climate crisis. I’m looking forward to hearing the full podcasts in the new year #citizensofchange #seedcreativity
#citizensofchange #seedcreativity