Kate Unger · @kateu
70 followers · 51 posts · Server mastodon.energy

On the global scale—the Guardian has a great compendium of coming in 2023 around the world, against both governments and companies. Great resource.


#climatelitigation #fossilfuel #climateaction #citizensuits #climatecrisis

Last updated 2 years ago

Kate Unger · @kateu
70 followers · 50 posts · Server mastodon.energy

Los Angeles Times reporter Sammy Roth interviewed Dan Selmi (an excellent prof) about the lawsuit. Selmi highlights the crucial importance of for compelling government agencies to consider the environmental impacts of their actions.

“Public agencies now have to justify what they’ve done in much greater depth than they did before. It’s like night and day. They have to be concerned with the law.“

Protect and


#EnvironmentalLaw #mineralking #citizensuits #nepa #ceqa

Last updated 2 years ago