The request to federal judge #AileenCannon was an attempt to bypass a stricter provision contained in a #ProtectiveOrder proposed by the govt that would require #Trump to discuss & review #classified #evidence only in one of the highly secure locations run by #federal #courts in FL.
While Trump’s #lawyers refused to offer many details about their preferred location, they told #JudgeCannon it was “a previously approved facility at or near his residence”….
#aileencannon #protectiveorder #trump #classified #evidence #federal #courts #lawyers #judgecannon #criminallyindicted #citizentrump
@RitchieTorres #CitizenTrump should be afforded the same standards he gave the Central Park 5.
I posted this on Monday. And I’m doing it again on Friday evening. This goes to #CitizenTrump
#CitizenTrump is subject to the same laws as Citizen Celset. He isn’t a president. He is an confirmed adulterer and liar. And alleged Fraudulent Grifter. There may be a lot of Caught and Kill stories in his closet. @gop Citizen Trump was not indicted by Alvin Bragg he was indicted by a Grand Jury