petersuber · @petersuber
3766 followers · 753 posts · Server

The Coalition for Independent Technology Research () has released an open letter on the plans.

"Twitter’s…new pricing tiers for access to the Twitter API…will devastate public interest research.…With free API access, researchers could systematically & reliably collect public tweets posted by public figures, gather information about network dynamics, investigate bots & other inauthentic activity, or analyze conversations around specific topics."

#api #twitter #citr

Last updated 2 years ago

Henrik Sørlie · @hsorlie
9 followers · 16 posts · Server

Is there a way to use the built in citation tool in source mode? I can only access it from visual mode, and it’s impractical to switch back and forth while writing, for several reasons. I prefer to write papers in source mode with the package, and although I love the new citation tool I miss for this reason. Does anyone know if there’s a workaround or something? @Posit @FrederikAust

#rstudio #papaja #citr #rstats

Last updated 2 years ago