I love the #CitroënAmi and the potential for modification. I'd love to see some body kits to make ones out to look like an 80s Toyota, a 2CV, a Trabant, a DeLorean, etc!
01 Net: Fiat Topolino : une petite électrique sans permis à l’assaut de la Citroën Ami https://www.01net.com/actualites/fiat-topolino-une-petite-electrique-sans-permis-a-lattaque-de-la-citroen-ami.html #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #voitureélectriquepaschère #Autoconnectée #Fiattopolino #CitroënAMI
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #voitureelectriquepaschere #autoconnectee #fiattopolino #citroenami
Back with the Citroën Ami and this time in Corfu.
#citroen #citroenami #electriccar
Do you think the chassis looks substantial?
#Citroen #citroenami #sanspermis
On a recent trip to #France, I was so happy to finally see one of these: an all-electric #CitroenAmi.
🚙 🚙 Les gens d'un certain âge en pensent ce qu'ils veulent, les traitent de "boîte en plastique" ou "pot de yaourt", mais les faits sont là : les jeunes les adorent et bientôt devant les lycées y'en aura davantage que de scooters ! #citroenami #citroen #ami
E já temos um acidente no grande prémio do Mónaco! No gancho do hotel alguém capotou...um Citroën Ami?! #citroenami 🤔
Bassverstärker mit ordentlich Pfupf geht gut rein inkl Bass und Zusatzzeug. @pmj 🤘🏼🤘🏼
Bilder: Basszeug im Citroën AMI #citroenami
@samsteiner @pethasli @TobiasHauri @pmj
Tu das lieber nicht, der hüpft sonst und fährt nicht mehr 😂 Heugümpi #citroenami
Geht tatsächlich sehr easy.
Auch 2 Erwachsene.
4-köpfige Familie auch, ausser es hängen Körper an den Köpfen.
Pass ich in den rein? 😁
Citroën AMI
#citroenami #citroen #emobility
#citroenami #citroen #eMobility
Can be charged 3% in just 100 hours 🎉
#citroenami #citroen #ami #electriccar #eMobility
Citroen Ami
I am a big fan of this car/quadrocycle, and the adventure of two heros in this youtube series driving to some very nice places in southern France.
#citroenami #electromobility #southernfrance #quadrocycle #france
#citroenami #electromobility #southernfrance #quadrocycle #france
Amo la #CitroënAmi, ma farne una Topolino mi pare un po' ridicolo. Dubito che Dante Giacosa approverebbe...
Fiat Topolino, il ritorno: tutto quello che sappiamo sulla microcar elettrica in arrivo- http://Corriere.it https://www.corriere.it/motori/news/23_gennaio_13/fiat-topolino-ritorno-tutto-quello-che-sappiamo-microcar-elettrica-arrivo-c0c19878-9263-11ed-bbc2-1889ec142abd.shtml
Adoro #CitroënAmi, ma farne una Topolino mi pare difficile. Dante Giacosa dubito che approverebbe.
Fiat Topolino, il ritorno: tutto quello che sappiamo sulla microcar elettrica in arrivo- http://Corriere.it https://www.corriere.it/motori/news/23_gennaio_13/fiat-topolino-ritorno-tutto-quello-che-sappiamo-microcar-elettrica-arrivo-c0c19878-9263-11ed-bbc2-1889ec142abd.shtml