SHINRU SHARKS - twice as big as great whites & vicious
🧡🧡🧡🧡 +6 Stats, +2 Effort, 2 Actions/Round
* Devouring Bite - Near reach, WEAPON x2
* Dive Deep - Vanish into the waves for 1d4 rounds , return with full HP
* Consume Prey - if foe is bitten, shark will consume, roll STR if fail drop to 0 HP & lose 1 loot
* Bull Push - Force foes away & into deeper water.
#city23 #dungeon23 #icrpg #ttrpg #alteredstate #cyberpunk #ttrpg
#city23 #dungeon23 #icrpg #ttrpg #alteredstate #cyberpunk
Two lanes of unbroken & ruler straight blacktop makes for many nights of drag racing.
#city23 #dungeon23 #icrpg #alteredstate #ttrpg
TERRALINK DIVERSIFIED's headquarters dominates the area casting long shadows, literal & figurative, across the area. TerraLink is known for their interstellar transport & communication work.
#city23 #dungeon23 #icrpg #alteredstate #ttrpg #cyberpunk
LONDON WOLVES operate this small garage so they can keep tabs on Tu-Xing's offices across the way.
#city23 #dungeon23 #icrpg #alteredstate #cyberpunk #ttrpg
After the new balance was reached during the Malady, decades later the next upheaval occurred. Like the the arrival of the Guests, now integrated, however uneasily, into the city of the Heart, came new creatures, but these were stranger than any who had come before.
Humans brought with them strange tales of an existence beyond Gods body, of an endless cold darkness filled with terrors. They brought strange magics and artifacts.
Many saw them as the heralds of doom.
Employees are reporting waking nightmares and night terror. Tu-Xing has Ben assuring them all is completely normal.
#city23 #dungeon23 #icrpg #ttrpg #alteredstate
New part of Irongate city:
blogpost: https://sake.ee/asteanic-enclave/
Asteanic Enclave
#city23 #dungeon23 #worldbuilding #Asteanic_world #map
#city23 #dungeon23 #worldbuilding #asteanic_world #map
Irongate - plan starts to gome together.
#city23 #dungeon23 #worldbuilding #asteanic_world #map
Threatened and distracted by the Blodfe, but still having dealt the Hiveborn masses a heavy blow, The Mirror-Kings, who had defacto ruled the city by right of might, entered an uneasy truce.
The refugees were welcome as long as they agreed not to threaten the power the Mirror-Kings held on to, for "stabilities sake".
Over the next few decades, the city expanded and the new abilities and technologies brought by the refugees bolstered the city, helping it survive.
The time of Uninvited Guests, as it was known, eventually turned from war to an uneasy peace as the Mothercyst fell into Lethargy.
As the Hiveborn hordes felt the chemical shackles fall from their minds, the suffered heavy losses, losing cohesion and focus in the war effort and eventually surrendered when a third party entered the fray, the Blodfe refugees had arrived.
The Blodfe avoided entering the fight, but their flight enabled them to challenge the mirror ships...
Decades later the first arrival of the Guest species happened in the Heart, alien refugees from the furthest reaches of God's body, fleeing something terrible.
Naturally, war broke out, the refugee crisis taxing already limited resources and the strange differences between the species causing much conflict.
At this time, the Mothercyst was still active, the Hiveborn merely her thralls, fighting mindlessly at her behest. However, her control was not to last...
The Fall saw the rise of multiple criminal elements. Whilst during the Ending, people were still in shock, the Fall became a time victim to those more predatory and selfish, seeking to get what they could and grasp what power they manage through any means.
The Mirror-Kings were the first, seizing control of the mirror-ships surrounding the Heart and holding the rest of the city hostage with threats of incineration from the, at the time, much more powerful focused light.
Raven Hadley - a former ArkTech & Tu-Xing employee means to get back at both mega corps by releasing a nerve agent into their HQs.
#city23 #dungeon23 #icrpg #alteredstate #cyberpunk #ttrpg
RUNEJAMMER - item, lockdown all SISTM activity in a 1 mile radius for 1d4 rounds.
#city23 #dungeon23 #icrpg #alteredstate #ttrpg #cyberpunk
ArkTech Headquarters stands like a beacon of ultra modern design with one hundred & fifty (150) floors of soul crushing offices, labs, data centers, and more.
#city23 #dungeon23 #icrpg #alteredstate #ttrpg #cyberpunk
A 3 meter (10ft) tall wall separates parts of Arcon Garden from Iga Bay. While no individuals patrol the wall drones are often seen buzzing along this perimeter.
#city23 #dungeon23 #icrpg #alteredstate #ttrpg
Inside an abandoned vehicle is a forgotten blade.
MONOMOLECULAR SWORD - weapon, damage explodes when die maxes & reroll if die is 3 or less.
#city23 #dungeon23 #icrpg #alteredstate #ttrpg #cyberpunk
During the Fall, society mostly collapsed. The Heart, once the capital of a sprawling utopia closed its gates and horded it's wealth, as did most other cities, the world devolving into isolated, warring city-states that sought to steal resources from each other and horde whatever they already had.
Devourers suffered greatly during this time, being a source of both food-excreta and a method of disposal for the new flow of corpses, many were enslaved in service to the state
After The Ending came the The Fall. Struggling to find a new equilibrium, much of society turned to crime and corruption, desperate to hold on to the resources they could now that limitless abundance was not so limitless.
Workers, focused on work, didn't manage to capitalise on their indispensability and whilst they held a lot of power in terms of providing resources, it was largely Guardians wielding authoritarian violence that controlled the populace across God's body.
The Ending was a time of huge upheaval as society struggled to adapt to the realities of aging, death and hunger. What had once been luxuries became necessities and as people struggled to adapt, violence, fear and suffering were the inevitable results.
Workers however, were unaffected by aging as long as they continued to work. This caused a lot of friction, accusations of nefarious plots or malevolent activities. Workers maintained trust via managing food and corpses.