As well as being a spectacular building, Glasgow City Chambers is also a bit of a film star, appearing in movies as diverse as The Wife, Churchill and World War Z.
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#glasgowcitychambers #citychambers #GeorgeSquare #glasgowarchitecture #architecture #glasgowbuildings #glasgow
The top of Glasgow City Chambers catching the last rays of the setting sun. This was taken a few weeks ago, but I've just realised I never posted it.
The city chambers was built in the 1880s and was designed by William Young with sculptures by John Mossman and George Lawson.
#glasgow #glasgowbuildings #architecture #glasgowarchitecture #georgesquare #citychambers #glasgowcitychambers
#glasgowcitychambers #citychambers #GeorgeSquare #glasgowarchitecture #architecture #glasgowbuildings #glasgow
In a time before modern techology, this was how they ensured that a foot (or any other linear measurement) used to build something in Glasgow remained the same as a foot in Birmingham, or London, or for that matter in Australia or Canada.
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#measurements #history #glasgowhistory #pastglasgow #ImperialMeasures #GeorgeSquare #citychambers #glasgow
The Standards for Imperial Measures, Glasgow City Chambers, George Square, Glasgow.
I love this little piece of Glasgow's past set into the bottom right hand corner of the City Chambers. I suspect a lot of people walk past it every day without giving it a second glance or realising what it is.
#glasgow #citychambers #georgesquare #imperialmeasures #pastglasgow #glasgowhistory #history #measurements
#measurements #history #glasgowhistory #pastglasgow #ImperialMeasures #GeorgeSquare #citychambers #glasgow