Man Plans to Sue City Over Refusal to Dig for 7,500 Lost Bitcoin in Landfill - James Howells, a bitcoin enthusiast who misplaced 7,500 bitcoin (BTC) in a South W... - #digitalcurrency #cryptocurrency #jameshowells #citycouncil #legalaction #excavation #lostassets #harddrive #retrieval #landfill #recovery #bitcoin #dispute #lawsuit #newport #storage #suecity #refuse #news #city
#city #news #refuse #suecity #storage #newport #lawsuit #dispute #bitcoin #recovery #landfill #retrieval #harddrive #lostassets #excavation #legalaction #citycouncil #jameshowells #cryptocurrency #digitalcurrency
7. Councilmember Comments: Council members expressed gratitude for the former City Manager's service, discussed upcoming events and initiatives, and emphasized the importance of community engagement.
8. Broadcasting Work Sessions: The Mayor announced that City Council would start broadcasting Work Sessions to make the city's business more accessible to the public, providing transparency and insight into discussions.
9. Innovation Program Manager: The city hired an Innovation Program Manager, emphasizing the importance of innovation in local government.
10. Adjournment: The meeting concluded at 7:45 PM.
#NewportNews #CityCouncil #TechCenter #EconomicDevelopment #CommunityConcerns
#newportnews #citycouncil #techcenter #economicdevelopment #communityconcerns
The City is giving loans to private businesses, and Alamedans want to know why. Karin K. Jensen explains the details about a recent $9.5 million loan to a housing developer at Alameda Point and another $300,000 loan to Firebrand bakery and café.
#alameda #AlamedaPoint #CityCouncil #FirebrandArtisanalBakery #FiveKeys #loans #reshap #WestMidwayProject
#alameda #alamedapoint #citycouncil #firebrandartisanalbakery #fivekeys #loans #reshap #westmidwayproject
Hey #DurhamNC I’m going to try to post info about any and all open candidate forums for the #mayor and #CityCouncil #elections. Please boost and If you see one I don’t please let me know.
(I thought I’d found one but then I realized it was from 2017)
#elections #citycouncil #mayor #DurhamNC
Hey #DurhamNC I’m going to try to post info about any and all open candidate forums for the #mayor and #CityCouncil #elections. Please boost and If you see one I don’t please let me know.
(I thought I’d found one but the I realized it was from 2017)
#elections #citycouncil #mayor #DurhamNC
Hey #DurhamNC I’m going to try to post info about any and all open candidate forums for the #mayor and #CityCouncil #elections. Please boost and If you see one I don’t please let me know.
Here’s one:
#elections #citycouncil #mayor #DurhamNC
Hey #DurhamNC I’m going to try to post info about any and all open candidate forums for the #mayor and #CityCouncil #elections. Please boost If you see one I don’t please let me know.
Here’s one:
#elections #citycouncil #mayor #DurhamNC
Global News BC: Vancouver council to vote on reprieve for Storm Brewing’s ‘iconic’ mural #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Vancouvercitycouncil #stormbrewingmotion #vancouversignbylaw #StormBrewingmural #VancouverMural #EastVancouver #stormbrewing #Advertising #CityCouncil #signbylaw #Politics #redtape #Mural #Storm
#Vancouvercitycouncil #stormbrewingmotion #vancouversignbylaw #stormbrewingmural #vancouvermural #EastVancouver #stormbrewing #advertising #citycouncil #signbylaw #politics #redtape #Mural #storm #globalnews #BritishColumbia #news
City Council gives the green light to a revamped Grand Street design which now includes a separated, two-way bikeway from Shore Line Drive to Clement Avenue. Karin K. Jensen also reports that both the RESHAP and West Midway housing projects are moving forward.
#biking #reshap #alameda #CityCouncil #GrandStreet #AlamedaPoint #HousingElement #OperationDignity #AffordableHousing #WestMidwayProject #ActiveTransportationPlan #LowStressBackboneNetwork
#biking #reshap #alameda #citycouncil #grandstreet #alamedapoint #housingelement #operationdignity #affordablehousing #westmidwayproject #activetransportationplan #lowstressbackbonenetwork
Update: I survived. Many things were learned today.
* 3 story homes block the sun so they stop food production
* Putting definitions next to the terms on a map is confusing
* A street rezone means a bulldozer is coming to destroy your SFH
* 2 story SFH next door is fine but 2 story duplex means no privacy.
* Businesses are a zero sum resource and adding commercial zoning means moving them from somewhere else.
Scratch that. Nothing was learned.
#urbanism #citycouncil #nimby #urbanplanning
The founder/owner of Eltana Bagels is running for #Seattle #cityCouncil in my district. I’m guessing this mailer doesn’t count as an official campaign mailer because it’s ostensibly just a business coupon, but that seems borderline unethical. What do you think?
(Personally, if you live in #D1, Stephen Brown, my top policy objective for you is to get some of those delicious bagels in #WestSeattle.)
#Seattle #citycouncil #d1 #westseattle #sea
Exonerated member of 'Central Park Five' wins primary, nearly assuring seat on NYC Council
#CentralParkFive #NYC #CityCouncil #Exoneration #PrimaryElection #PoliticalVictory #Politics #News
#centralparkfive #nyc #citycouncil #Exoneration #PrimaryElection #politicalvictory #politics #news
by #KenyaHunter in #CapitalB:
"Destination Tomorrow South recently received $25,000 in funding from the city of Atlanta for its pilot mentorship program. The funding came from legislation introduced by Post 2 At-Large Atlanta City Council member Matt Westmoreland. The Destination Tomorrow funds are part of a $55,000 grant, the city’s most significant investment in the local transgender community. Atlanta Legal Aid Society will receive $10,000 to help with the legal process of supporting transgender people to get their names changed. Another $20,000 will go to the Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective (BEAM) to sponsor up to 25 scholarships for Atlanta’s transgender and gender-expansive youth."
#TransRights #transgender #trans #youth #gender #Atlanta #CityCouncil #Georgia #DestinationTomorrow #grant #funding #mentorship
#kenyahunter #capitalb #transrights #transgender #trans #youth #gender #atlanta #citycouncil #georgia #destinationtomorrow #grant #funding #mentorship
City Council finalized a budget for two fiscal years. Karin K. Jensen reports that priorities include housing for all Alamedans, community safety, climate change resilience, transportation, infrastructure, and fiscally responsible and inclusive governance.
#parks #alameda #housing #CityCouncil #ClimateChange #PlanningBoard #StrategicPlan #transportation #AffordableHousing #CityAquaticCenter #CommunityDevelopment #MunicipalFiscalResiliencePlan
#parks #alameda #housing #citycouncil #climatechange #planningboard #strategicplan #transportation #affordablehousing #cityaquaticcenter #communitydevelopment #municipalfiscalresilienceplan
Outspoken critic on #Texas #citycouncil seeks to revive #lawsuit over #retaliatory #arrest
#texas #citycouncil #lawsuit #retaliatory #arrest
There's no question that the derelict and malfeasant own the streets of #Seattle now.
When I'm on the streets -- and I often am -- I'm just passing through what's become hostile territory.
Is a new #CityCouncil enough?
No, but it's an important step.
If we elect competent, motivated people, we might just make some progress.
California Assemblymember Mia Bonta lists gun violence prevention, reproductive rights, criminal justice reform, and affordable housing among her top priorities. Karin K. Jensen reports on Bonta's specific legislative action to help Alameda, including an exemption for Alameda Point from the Surplus Land Act to make housing more affordable.
#alameda #CareTeam #MiaBonta #WilmaChan #CityCouncil #GunViolence #DigitalEquity #DignityVillage #CriminalJustice #AffordableHousing
#alameda #careteam #miabonta #wilmachan #citycouncil #gunviolence #digitalequity #dignityvillage #criminaljustice #affordablehousing
No One Believes in #CopCity. So Why Did #Atlanta’s #CityCouncil Fund It?
#copcity #atlanta #citycouncil
New York City Moves to Regulate How AI Is Used in Hiring - New York City’s pioneering, focused approach sets rules on how companies use the technolo... - #regulationandderegulationofindustry #computersandtheinternet #artificialintelligence #hiringandpromotion #lawandlegislation #citycouncil(nyc) #discrimination #newyorkcity
#newyorkcity #discrimination #citycouncil #lawandlegislation #hiringandpromotion #artificialintelligence #computersandtheinternet #regulationandderegulationofindustry