#CityFibre has made a decent dent in the new ducting outside of my house today, a good 60-70ft channel cut in the pavement. But, It seems they've found a coil of loose cable in the soil around the joint box, and now they're trying to extract it like a team of archaeologists.
Switched over to #FTTH with #CityFibre and #TalkTalk
Very happy with the install, ran fibre inside and got the ONT all mounted.
Speedtest is pretty good as well. This was over WiFi. Using the provided #eero 6 Pro router which I've been really happy with.
#ftth #cityfibre #talktalk #eero
Literally the only time the fella ever gets up before midday on vacation .. #cityfibre #giganet installation day! Hopefully today we go from 250Mb/25Mb to 900Mb asynchronous while saving £50 per month in the process 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳