Some if you may track planes. Here in Toronto we have a live feed for our snow plough routes. This is what excites us after a big snow dump. There are currently 40 in the downtown core: #cityoftoronto #snowdump #snowplough #citygirl
#cityoftoronto #snowdump #snowplough #citygirl
That, umm, duck? Effin duck? That is a duck right? #CityGirl
Anyway, that duck is feelin' me...
93 years ago:
City Girl (US)
A waitress from Chicago falls in love with a man from rural Minnesota and marries him, with the intent of living a better life - but life on the farm has its own challenges.
#CityGirl #PreCode #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#citygirl #precode #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
Is it against guidelines to start a #cult on here? 🤔
#cult #introducton #mastodon #citygirl #wherethehoesat #bookclub
Toronto’s CN Tower viewed from Billy Bishop Airport. #Fensterfreitlag #WindowFriday #mastophoto #billybishopairport #toronto #cntower #skyline #cityskyline #citygirl
#Fensterfreitlag #WindowFriday #mastophoto #billybishopairport #toronto #cntower #skyline #cityskyline #citygirl
Toronto’s CN Tower viewed from Billy Bishop Airport. #Fensterfreitlag #WindowFriday #mastophoto #billybishopairport #toronto #cntower #skyline #cityskyline #citygirl
#Fensterfreitlag #WindowFriday #mastophoto #billybishopairport #toronto #cntower #skyline #cityskyline #citygirl
@wattdefalk @NiveusLepus many years ago, an domestic cow crossed in front of our car, and stopped. My companion told me to honk at it and make it move. She earned the nickname #CityGirl at that point.
And that was just a domestic cow. But I still wasn’t gonna mess with it.
Me: Hey, do you think that storm is going to hit us?
John: No. Nah… probably not...
Me: Cool cool. Let’s eat lunch then.
Later he told me “the mountain doesn’t tolerate bullshitters” which is easily one of the best compliments I’ve ever gotten.
The mountain showed me who I am and it kept a piece of me in return. No matter what, I’ve got to go back.
#Wyoming #hunting #backcountry #wilderness #nationalparks #cowboys #citygirl
#wyoming #hunting #backcountry #wilderness #nationalparks #cowboys #citygirl
Saw @cordillera do one of these, so here is my NitroFest if presented by my Spotify listening from the last 6 months.
Honestly... This festival is pretty epic!
#Spotify #KPop #JPop #FutureFunk #HipHop #Rock #SeikoMatsuda #TWICE #CityGirl #music
#spotify #kpop #jpop #futurefunk #hiphop #rock #seikomatsuda #twice #citygirl #music
A reintroduction with tags of what I'm about if I were boxed and shipped via FedEx. 🤣🤣🤣
#citygirl #countryloving
#astronomy #space #spiritual
#law #philosophy #learning
#neurology #psychology
#gaming #fun #dancing
#lgbtq #humanrights #minority
#musicproduction (just for fun)
#creative #irishwriterscircle #videography #piercings #tattoos
#art #arthistory
#travelling #culture #exploring #adventure
#intellectual #conversations
#cooking #baking
#driving #nightowl
#citygirl #countryloving #astronomy #space #spiritual #law #philosophy #learning #neurology #psychology #gaming #fun #dancing #socialevents #lgbtq #humanrights #minority #musicproduction #creative #irishwriterscircle #videography #piercings #tattoos #art #arthistory #travelling #culture #exploring #adventure #intellectual #conversations #cooking #baking #driving #nightowl
This morning's work music "Chroma Velocity" by City Girl ( or electronic beats, some glitch, and a nice gliding mix between more relaxed and more energetic stuff. If you're not a fan of overly glitchy electronics start on track 2.
#music #citygirl #chromavelocity