An #ÖBB 🇦🇹 class 4746 #Siemens #DesiroML #CityJet is seen here on the #Gailtalbahn, working a #Carinthia S4 S-Bahn service bound for #Hermagor. The train just passes the village of #Görtschach with its little church, dating back to 1478, and visible above the centre of the train.
#obb #siemens #desiroml #cityjet #gailtalbahn #Carinthia #hermagor #gortschach
Bonus Photo of the Day 30th August 2023.
EI-CTY, British Aerospace 146-200A, CityJet, operating for Virgin Atlantic, taxiing to the terminal at London City Airport, 1st November 1994.
#London #City #LCY #EGLC #BritishAerospace #BAE146 #CityJet #VirginAtlantic
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#london #city #lcy #eglc #britishaerospace #bae146 #cityjet #virginatlantic #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
Bonus Photo of the day 14th April 2023.
EI-RJH, British Aerospace Avro RJ85, Air France, taxiing past a British Airways plane at London City, 11th July 2014.
#London #City #LCY #EGLC #BritishAerospace #Avro #RJ85 #AirFrance #CityJet
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#london #city #lcy #eglc #britishaerospace #avro #rj85 #airfrance #cityjet #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
RT @schiene_de
Die #ÖBB bauen ihre Regionalflotte mit Elektrotriebzügen des Typs #Siemens Desiro ML weiter aus.
#Österreich #Bahn #SiemensMobility #Schiene #Cityjet
#obb #siemens #osterreich #Bahn #siemensmobility #schiene #cityjet
Bonus Photo of the Day 2020-03-10.
EI-JET and EI-CTY, British Aerospace 146-200A, Cityjet (in Virgin colours) at London City Airport, 1st November 1994.
#avgeek #planespotting #potd #london #city #lcy #eglc #britishAerospace #bae146 #cityjet #virgin
#virgin #cityjet #bae146 #britishaerospace #eglc #lcy #city #london #potd #planespotting #avgeek