The new Alley Up free shuttle service from the City debuts today. The 10-week pilot program will include eight stops around Alameda Point.
#alameda #AlamedaPoint #AlleyUp #CityOfAlameda #free #PilotProgram #shuttle #SpiritsAlley
#alameda #alamedapoint #alleyup #cityofalameda #free #pilotprogram #Shuttle #spiritsalley
The City of Alameda invites the public to attend a community meeting on August 28 to discuss proposed changes to its Capital Improvement Plan policy, which allows landlords to submit proof of qualifying improvements and pass the costs through to tenants.
#alameda #AlamedaRentProgram #CapitalImprovementPlan #CityOfAlameda #CommunityMeeting #SunshineOrdinance
#alameda #alamedarentprogram #capitalimprovementplan #cityofalameda #communitymeeting #sunshineordinance
Two segments of the waterfront trail (Shoreline Park) that lead up to the Bay Farm Island bike bridge will be closed back-to-back August 15 to September 8 for widening and repaving. Please use extra caution while traveling through the area.
#alameda #BayFarmIsland #BikeWalkAlameda #CityOfAlameda #ebmud #SeeClickFix #ShorelinePark #TrailClosure #WaterfrontTrail
#alameda #bayfarmisland #bikewalkalameda #cityofalameda #ebmud #seeclickfix #shorelinepark #trailclosure #waterfronttrail
Tod Hickman writes to the Editor to question why the City of Alameda is giving loans to private businesses and to find out how they are allocated.
#loans #alameda #fund290 #firebrand #collateral #AlamedaPoint #CityOfAlameda #LetterToTheEditor
#loans #alameda #fund290 #firebrand #collateral #alamedapoint #cityofalameda #lettertotheeditor
Alamedans enjoyed a wonderful Alameda 4th of July Parade on Tuesday. Adam Gillitt recaps the celebration and answers the question, "Where were the horses?" Plus a gallery of spectacular photos from Maurice Ramirez to help you relive the dazzling event!
#arpd #parade #alameda #july4th #CityOfAlameda #OutfrontEndurance
#arpd #Parade #alameda #july4th #cityofalameda #outfrontendurance
Grab the family, get some folding chairs, and head down to the the 45th annual Fourth of July Parade. We have everything you need to know before you go, including a link to download the official July 4th Parade program listing all entries.
#aci #amp #arpd #parade #alameda #exelius #july4th #AlamedaPost #BankOfMarin #KiwanisClub #UsCoastGuard #CityOfAlameda #AlamedaBicycle #AlamedaFoodBank #IndependenceDay #SpeedProImaging #FriendsOfTheParks #JimsHomestyleCooking
#aci #amp #arpd #Parade #alameda #exelius #july4th #alamedapost #bankofmarin #kiwanisclub #uscoastguard #cityofalameda #alamedabicycle #alamedafoodbank #independenceday #speedproimaging #friendsoftheparks #jimshomestylecooking
Thanks to the Regional Water Board, Chevron will be cleaning up residual petroleum at a former refinery site it once owned at Alameda Point. Richard Bangert explains, "The problem of the buried tarry material from the old refinery has been a can kicked down the road since the 1940s..."
#UsNavy #alameda #chevron #kerosene #AlamedaPoint #CityOfAlameda #SkyhawkStreet #UnionIronWorks #WestOriskanyAvenue #PacificCoastOilCompany #StandardOilOfCalifornia
#USNavy #alameda #chevron #kerosene #alamedapoint #cityofalameda #skyhawkstreet #unionironworks #westoriskanyavenue #pacificcoastoilcompany #standardoilofcalifornia
Make your voice heard at the Tuesday May 23 meeting which will shape the Public Art Master Plan in Alameda. The Plan is designed to be a comprehensive guide for the City in its efforts to promote and support public art.
#art #alameda #PublicArt #CityOfAlameda #PublicArtCommission #PublicArtMasterPlan
#art #alameda #publicArt #cityofalameda #publicartcommission #publicartmasterplan
Thinking of a remodel to your home? Communications & Legislative Affairs Officer Sarah Henry shares five tips to keep in mind while working with Alameda's Permit Center so you can get construction underway.
#alameda #renovations #SolarEnergy #construction #PermitCenter #CityOfAlameda #ElectricVehicles
#alameda #renovations #solarenergy #construction #permitcenter #cityofalameda #electricvehicles
The City has identified the Grand Street corridor as a high priority for pavement improvements and is considering adding safety features to the road. Make your voice heard about how the City should improve the street at the Community Workshop on Wednesday May 31.
#alameda #community #GrandStreet #construction #CityOfAlameda #CommunityMeeting #TransportationCommission #GrandStreetResurfacingAndSafetyImprovementProject
#alameda #community #grandstreet #construction #cityofalameda #communitymeeting #transportationcommission #grandstreetresurfacingandsafetyimprovementproject
The City of Alameda has announced a number of vacancies on City boards and commissions and is soliciting applications from residents. Apply by May 11 to be considered for a role.
#alameda #jobmarket #jobhunting #jobopening #cityofalameda
Looking for a summer internship? The City of Alameda is hiring high schoolers for a variety of positions at $15.75 to $17.37 per hour.
#Alameda #JobHunting #JobOpening #CityOfAlameda #SummerInternships #HighSchoolStudents
#alameda #jobhunting #jobopening #cityofalameda #summerinternships #highschoolstudents
Photos by Maurice Ramirez from the State of the City 2023 event held Thursday, March 30, 2023 aboard the USS Hornet, hosted by the Alameda Chamber and Economic Alliance.
#Alameda #MiaBonta #USSHornet #JenniferOtt #MadlenSaddik #CityOfAlameda #StateOfTheCity #MarilynEzzyAshcraft #AlamedaChamberAndEconomicAlliance
#alameda #miabonta #usshornet #jenniferott #madlensaddik #cityofalameda #stateofthecity #marilynezzyashcraft #alamedachamberandeconomicalliance
You are invited to a ribbon-cutting party to celebrate the amazing renovations at Friends of the Alameda Animal Shelter (FAAS)! Tour the shelter, enjoy refreshments, and meet the adoptable animals. Liz Barrett talks with FAAS CEO John L. Lipp about the outstanding collaboration and community effort that helped provide safer, cleaner kennels for critters and caretakers alike.
#FAAS #Alameda #JohnLLipp #Bearseyeview #CityOfAlameda #Ribbon-cutting #AnimalAdoptions
#faas #alameda #johnllipp #bearseyeview #cityofalameda #ribbon #animaladoptions
Tuesday's fierce bomb cyclone left a trail of fallen trees, wind damage, and power outages across Alameda. We take a moment to thank all the City staff, police, firefighters, rescue teams, and emergency workers who sprang into action to help.
#AFD #AMP #APD #Storm #Alameda #BombCyclone #StormDamage #AlamedaPolice #CityOfAlameda #AlamedaFireDepartment
#afd #amp #apd #storm #alameda #bombcyclone #stormdamage #alamedapolice #cityofalameda #alamedafiredepartment
Need a new coat of paint? The Façade Grant Program matches up to $15,000 to improve storefronts and enhance the city’s retail districts.
#grants #alameda #facadegrant #cityofalameda #smallbusiness
Janis Hashe: City of Alameda to launch guaranteed income pilot program: The City of #Alameda will soon join a wave of U.S. cities fighting poverty through pilot Guaranteed Income (GI) programs.
#California #cityofalameda #oakland #mountainview #guaranteedincome
#alameda #California #cityofalameda #Oakland #mountainview #guaranteedincome
You'll never have to wonder, "Is there anything fun going on this weekend?" The Alameda Post has announced the use of its centralized online calendar for all Alameda events. The calendar is free for posters and viewers, and the community is encourage to use it to spread the word about events and connect across Alameda.
#Alameda #AlamedaPost #CityOfAlameda #EventCalendar #CommunityEvents
#alameda #alamedapost #cityofalameda #eventcalendar #communityevents
Foodies, rejoice! Alameda Restaurant Week is back with more than 40 participating restaurants and bars. Dig in to delicious dishes, special offers, and chances to win prizes starting Friday March 3.
#alameda #shoplocal #cityofalameda #alamedarestaurantweek
As the only team of its kind in northern California, the Prosecution and Public Rights Unit represents the People of the State of California in misdemeanor criminal matters, enforces fair housing and consumer protection laws, and provides community education. See the past year's highlights and access the full report.
#Alameda #Housing #FairHousing #CityOfAlameda #CriminalCases #HousingMediation #AlamedaRentProgram #ConsumerProtectionLaw #ProsecutionAndPublicRightsUnit
#alameda #housing #fairhousing #cityofalameda #criminalcases #housingmediation #alamedarentprogram #consumerprotectionlaw #prosecutionandpublicrightsunit