We have #NationalGrid gas leaking to explosive levels into #Eversource electric confined underground spaces; they know it & the #CityOfNewton knows it (as should other cities & towns); in fact, it’s public knowledge; but everyone is in a conspiracy of silence, otherwise we could solve it before the next explosion and someone gets hurt or killed again. I’m saying this without fear of getting sued because the gas industry wouldn’t dare - I have the data; they know it. That’s why I’m tagging them.
#cityofnewton #Eversource #nationalgrid
The #CityOfNewton has confirmed in a public record that a hazardous condition existed on Walnut Street *after* the explosions and *after* it was assumed to be safe. I have the email.
Maybe that was what NGrid was doing knocking on doors under the cover of the night Saturday night after the Thursday Apr 6 explosions? They were asking to check basements, according to direct testimony to me.
Google “explosion Walnut Lakewood Newton” and you won’t get a single hit referencing the gas company, National Grid. But they quietly sent crews knocking on doors two nights after the explosion, to inspect basements, literally under the cover of darkness. And their unrepaired leaks were and are listed in its #MassDPU annual gas leaks filing. No one from the #CityOfNewton or any of the utilities have mentioned the possibility that leaking gas was a possible causal factor in the explosion.
The spray paint was put down today after I called in this leak multiple times over the last 3 days. It’s an admission. I’m going to keep calling the leak in until an investigation into the April 6, 2023 gas explosion is announced by either the Mayor or the DPU. The culture of silence in the #CityOfNewton is over.
This white spray paint, put down today by National Grid, delineates its still-leaking gas leak at the site of the explosion of April 6, 2023. This constitutes evidence. I’ve asked to speak to the #CityofNewton lawyer about this.