Big month, for the patreon: folks will be getting their advance copies of the forty-first novelette in a couple-few weeks, and I just revealed the top-secret next stage (still a ways off, but)... #CityOfRoses
"—urban fey weirdos and punk rockers and fabulous parties and excess and street people and bacchanalia—" #CityOfRoses #UrbanFantasy #UrbanPastoral #GonzoNoir #IncantatoryFantastic #books #webserial #IfYouReadThisYoudBeHomeByNow
#ifyoureadthisyoudbehomebynow #webserial #books #IncantatoryFantastic #gonzonoir #urbanpastoral #urbanfantasy #cityofroses
So I'm fairly certain no. 41 will be done in March—so if you join the Patreon at the ebook or zine level, you'll get next month an ebook or a mailed paper zine a whole four weeks or so before the rest of the world gets to read it... #CityOfRoses #Patreon #UrbanFantasy #WordsWordsWords
#wordswordswords #urbanfantasy #patreon #cityofroses
"Just a glorious bit of writing, I can't recommend it highly enough." #UrbanFantasy #UrbanPastoral #webserial #books #CityOfRoses #SelfPromotion #SomeoneHasToDoIt #IGuess
#iguess #someonehastodoit #selfpromotion #cityofroses #books #webserial #urbanpastoral #urbanfantasy
"Long, complex with a lyrical rhythm to it that's intoxicating." #CityOfRoses #webserial #books #UrbanFantasy #IncantatoryFantastic #GonzoNoir #Cheers
#cheers #gonzonoir #IncantatoryFantastic #urbanfantasy #books #webserial #cityofroses
"…a flicker of sharp impressionistic scenes skittering atop a deeply imagined alternate present." #CityOfRoses #webserial #UrbanFantasy #GuidNychburris #OhJustSoundItOut #ButBewareThemAsYouDo
#butbewarethemasyoudo #ohjustsounditout #guidnychburris #urbanfantasy #webserial #cityofroses
"It's like Twin Peaks had a baby with Once Upon a Time." #CityOfRoses #UrbanFantasy #webserial #books #GonzoNoir #AlmostLiterarySometimes #WeDoTry
#wedotry #almostliterarysometimes #gonzonoir #books #webserial #urbanfantasy #cityofroses
Okay, #BookQW : the word to highlight is love; sure. Okay. This bit, then, ends up being all about the love(s) at the heart of season one. #SpoilersSweetie #ThereIsNoSuchThingAsASpoiler #CityOfRoses
#cityofroses #thereisnosuchthingasaspoiler #spoilerssweetie #bookqw
"The characters are both subtly human and bold rock-opera caricatures and why do they both work—" #CityOfRoses #UrbanFantasy #IncantatoryFantastic #books #SelfPromotion #GoRead #ClickTheLink #Enjoy
#enjoy #clickthelink #goread #selfpromotion #books #IncantatoryFantastic #urbanfantasy #cityofroses
City of Roses reruns: we're up to no. 21: just about the end of the first season. This is the climax stuff. #CityOfRoses #webserial #UrbanFantasy #GuidNychburris #Gallowglas
#gallowglas #guidnychburris #urbanfantasy #webserial #cityofroses
Fresh rain.
International Rose Test Garden, Portland, OR
July 1, 2017
#Portland #CityOfRoses #Rose #Roses #RoseGarden #Rain #WaterDrops
#waterdrops #rain #rosegarden #roses #rose #cityofroses #portland
"—people who like urban fantasy written in a rather jumpy unusual style will like this book—" #CityOfRoses #UrbanFantasy #UrbanPastoral #GonzoNoir #JumpyUnusual #webserial #GoRead
#goread #webserial #jumpyunusual #gonzonoir #urbanpastoral #urbanfantasy #cityofroses
"—to explain how this is Emma Bull's War for the Oaks plus Portlandia with a smattering of Little, Big and Chinatown." #CityOfRoses #webserials #UrbanFantasy #GonzoNoir #QuotidianEpic #RapidUnintelligiblePatter
#rapidunintelligiblepatter #quotidianepic #gonzonoir #urbanfantasy #webserials #cityofroses
"Action scenes resolve in single run-on sentences like giant domino arrangements going off precisely." #CityOfRoses #UrbanFantasy #books #PDX #webserial #SwirlingBeautifulMess #PreciselyBoom
#preciselyboom #swirlingbeautifulmess #webserial #pdx #books #urbanfantasy #cityofroses
"—urban fey weirdos and punk rockers and fabulous parties and excess and street people and bacchanalia—" #CityOfRoses #UrbanFantasy #books #webserial #IncantatoryFantastic #CamelCaseYourHashtags
#camelcaseyourhashtags #IncantatoryFantastic #webserial #books #urbanfantasy #cityofroses
City of Roses! An epic urban fantasy serial firmly set in Portland, Oregon, only with more sword-fights. 40 novelettes so far, collected in three books (and, soon, a fourth): #UrbanFantasy #epic #CityOfRoses #books #GonzoNoir
#gonzonoir #books #cityofroses #epic #urbanfantasy
"The characters are both subtly human and bold rock-opera caricatures and why do they both work—" #CityOfRoses #UrbanFantasy #webserial #books #IncantatoryFantastic
#IncantatoryFantastic #books #webserial #urbanfantasy #cityofroses
Almost done: in this bit, you can watch me try to convince two characters who both have the conversational strategy of pretending to already know what the other means to say try to surprise themselves. (Also, an awkward cocktail party, and innuendo extended.) #CityOfRoses #UrbanFantasy #WIckedConcoction #GoRead
#goread #wickedconcoction #urbanfantasy #cityofroses
Almost done: in this bit, you can watch me try to convince two characters who both have the conversational strategy of pretending to already know what the other means to say try to surprise each other. (Also, an awkward cocktail party, and innuendo.) #CityOfRoses #UrbanFantasy #WIckedConcoction #GoRead
#goread #wickedconcoction #urbanfantasy #cityofroses
Oh, hey, the 40th novelette continues: goals cross purposes, glass is cleared away, and a rainy afternoon is captured in a pot: #UrbanFantasy #CityOfRoses #TransactionalAnalysis #webserial #PDX
#pdx #webserial #transactionalanalysis #cityofroses #urbanfantasy