We have a snow dump in NorthEast that is right near the Swale. Upon seeing it, I wondered is that a good idea? The answer appears to be no. The city needs to deal with this.


#snowmelt #pollution #Swale #cityofsaskatoon #saskatchewan #saskatoon

Last updated 2 years ago

Scott Stevens · @Filt
17 followers · 284 posts · Server universeodon.com

Feeling frustrated since deleting my Twitter account, not wanting to use Facebook (my account is fully a zombie now and has been for years), and having the primarily updating their social media alerts only on those platforms (including, Instagram, Linkedin?? and YouTube).

I suppose this is the frustration of dealing with years of centralization in social media networks and cities/businesses getting on board with them; growing pains of moving to decentralized networks. Huge wish that the City of Saskatoon starts posting on Mastodon in the future.

I will need to self-serve from the saskatoon.ca website, or check Twitter/FB as an anonymous user.

#cityofsaskatoon #yxe

Last updated 2 years ago