A #SNKCORPORATION anuncia que a mais recente entrada da série, a primeira desde #GAROU: #MarkOfTheWolves de 1999, vai chamar-se #FATALFURY: #CityOfTheWolves. O novo trailer mostra Rock Howard e Terry Bogard.
#moshbitgaming #cityofthewolves #fatalfury #markofthewolves #garou #snkcorporation
The #CityOfTheWolves #FatalFury teaser appears to confirm the following roster: Rock Howard, Hokutomaru, Mai Shiranui (!!), B. Jenet, Kevin Rian, Billy Kane (!!), Marco Rodrigues, Hotaru, Gato, Tizoc, Kain, Terry Bogard. #SNK #FightingGame
#cityofthewolves #fatalfury #snk #fightinggame
New #FatalFury fighting game, sequel to Garou: #MarkOfTheWolves, officially announced by #SNK a couple of days ago. Enter “Garou: Shity of the Woolboo” https://youtu.be/cTyy0kgQ8Ug #CityOfTheWolves - Graphic style seems on point!
#fatalfury #markofthewolves #snk #cityofthewolves