So Italians out clubbing get free taxi rides home to prevent deaths in traffic (because some decide to drive drunk). How backward is this? The original problem is that they need to drive to begin with! This solution can't possibly solve that they even need to _drive_ there to begin with.
#waroncars #walking #cityplanning
Very Important discussion. Countryside or Cities, which one is better? Not an easy answer.
It depends on the design. For example building a skyscraper in the countryside, bringing 10-15 villages in one place, or one skyscraper in one village, and bringing all people to a small space. Stop building #UrbanSprawl
Priorities: let’s consider this sidewalk in front of #Sonoma Valley High school a deteriorated, miserly, narrow, broken concrete deer path. And the street in front, Broadway—broad, smooth, expansive—in every way— accommodating
Just amazing. #cityplanning #walkableCities
#walkablecities #cityplanning #sonoma
I gave up on the illusion that in the #US #cityplanning could improve.
They want their endless single family home #urbansprawl far away from the center and they WANT no-sidewalk areas, and they do not want proper transit to there, and they also want that zoning and the answer is always ("otherwise it brings CRIME and my house loses worth").
They go on vacation to Europe and they ask themselves why they liked it so much but at home they downvote everything which would move in that direction.
#us #cityplanning #urbansprawl
Patrick Geddes and his work need more attention.
Via Lost Edinburgh on FB.
#Edinburgh #Philosophy #anarchism #urban #cityplanning #Greens #poverty #PatrickGeddes #Scotland
#scotland #patrickgeddes #poverty #greens #cityplanning #urban #anarchism #philosophy #edinburgh
People who know more than me about #Transportation and #CityPlanning: why does induced demand not mean that when you build out a bike or transit network with high usage, induced demand brings previous levels of traffic to car lanes?
Is it just that by providing more efficient alternatives the mode shares can balance out so none of them get overcrowded?
#transportation #cityplanning #urbanism #transit
Marvels of #cityplanning. Today: Frillendorfer Platz, Essen (Germany)
Once supposedly a square or at least a junction, in the 1930s it became victim of an important motorway project in the region. In the 1960s the carfriendly city became popular in many cities and the junction got more lanes, the motorway was extended and an underpass with a parallel road was built which resulted in cutting off the original road along the houses. (1/5)
#cityplanning #carnation #architecture #urbanism #roadplanning
Downtown #Portland #parking garage to close indefinitely, city officials say
#cityplanning #urbanism #cycling #biketooter #cars #pdx #parking #portland
The US Is Ugly. THIS is Why. - Leeja Miller
From the description:
"The US is UGLY. How did this happen? How did we get this suburban sprawl that we all have to live with today? And what can we do to improve our communities? Turns out it's lots of money, PR, and, you guessed it, racism."
#leejamiller #usa #ugly #suburbs #cityplanning #NewUrbanism
Finally canopy cover is a factor in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs and McMansion size is limited by it. I wonder how this will go is the Western Suburbs of Sydney. The developers would be ropable!
#climatechange #livablecities #cityplanning
#climatechange #livablecities #cityplanning
Road space: bus vs bikes vs cars – a famous photo recreated in Canberra.
#climate #environment #publictransport #cityplanning
To Feel Less Heat, We Need More Trees in Our Cities
Amen. #trees #globalwarming #climate #ClimateChange #plantmoretrees #PlantTrees #urbanplanning #cityplanning
#trees #globalwarming #climate #ClimateChange #plantmoretrees #PlantTrees #urbanplanning #cityplanning
Across 30 U.S. cities, and per 150k workers aged 16 & older, it is found that there is a reduction of 4.0365 traffic fatalities for every one percentage point increase in bicycle commuters. #transportation #bicyclecommuting #cityplanning #publicpolicy #cycling
#transportation #bicyclecommuting #cityplanning #publicpolicy #cycling
@weiming @isaaccp @futurebird @dynamic this insight made me think of #CityNerd Ray Delahanty @nerd4cities #urbanism #urbanplanning #cityplanning
#cityplanning #urbanplanning #urbanism #citynerd
Is there a blog with a more global focus on #UrbanPlanning or #CityPlanning ?
Why Free Parking Is Bad For Everyone - Adam Something
Parking for everyone who has a car is great, right? Well, maybe not. Free parking lots don't add any income to the local government, and with induced demand, actually makes traffic and finding parking worse.
Adam Something explains.
#adamsomething #parking #cityplanning #Cars
Why tech billionaires suck at fixing transport - DW Planet A
Hyperloop and the Boring Company and all we end up with is traffic jams in the tunnels under Las Vegas. Why are billionaires so bad at transportation? Could the funds local governments give to these billionaires be used in a better way?
#DWPlanetA #Billionaires #Transportation #Hyperloop #TheBoringCompany #Traffic #CityPlanning
#dwplaneta #billionaires #transportation #hyperloop #theboringcompany #traffic #cityplanning
The ruining of the heart of a modern masterpiece #architecture #CityPlanning #15mincity #urbanism #ekistics #ConstantinosDoxiadis
#architecture #cityplanning #15mincity #urbanism #ekistics #constantinosdoxiadis