#20yrsago #BBC to put its entire archive online http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/3177479.stm
#20yrsago #Citytv invents live television blogging https://memex.craphound.com/2003/08/24/citytv-invents-live-television-blogging/
#20yrsago Save #Christiania, August 30th march in Copenhagen https://memex.craphound.com/2003/08/24/save-christiania-august-30th-march-in-copenhagen/
#15yrsago Kids can’t “go out and play” anymore https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2008-may-15-oe-brooks15-story.html
#15yrsago #MickeyMouse bridges the culture war when teaching #evolution to evangelical students https://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/24/education/24evolution.html
#20yrsago #bbc #citytv #christiania #15yrsago #mickeymouse #evolution
BBC has commissioned it’s own Mastodon instance. Time for Canadian media to follow?
Beaverton: 5 iconic Toronto landmarks where it would be fun to find a body on the new Law & Order spinoff https://www.thebeaverton.com/2023/06/5-iconic-toronto-landmarks-where-it-would-be-fun-to-find-a-body-on-the-new-law-order-spinoff/ #satire #canada #commentary #Entertainment #FeaturedPost #Television #Law&Order #CasaLoma #Toronto #CNTower #CityTV
#satire #Canada #commentary #entertainment #FeaturedPost #television #law #casaloma #toronto #cntower #citytv
#CITYtv says it has greenlit a one-hour spinoff dubbed Law & Order Toronto: Criminal Intent. It says the crime drama will "showcase original Canadian stories" written and produced by a #Canadian team.
Law & Order Toronto is billed as a psychological #thriller that follows an elite squad of detectives who investigate high-profile crime and corruption in the city. Yep, these are their stories.
#LawAndOrder #Toronto #TV
#citytv #canadian #thriller #toronto #tv #canada #lawandorder #lawandordertoronto
Wong & Winchester: CityTV zeigt neue Copserie im Januar #CityTV #HudsonAndRex