The #SteamStrategyFest has started, and there are SOOO many games, which you can get discounts for or play a demo!
Most relevant discounts:
- #Civ3, #Civ4, #Civ6
- #OldWold
- Ozymandias:
- Imperium: Greek War
- Myriads:
- Rising Lords:
#steamstrategyfest #civ3 #civ4 #civ6 #oldwold
Soren Johnson, the lead designer of #Civ3 and of #OldWorld, just published a video, which was used to pitch Old World (at the time named 10 Crowns) in 2017.
Looks very different from today, have a look!
Since it's popping up on the local time line: #10GamesToKnowMe
And we'll do the most reasonable thing we can do:
- #Civ1
- #Colonization
- #Civ2
- #AlphaCentauri
- #Civ3
- #Civ4
- #Civ5
- #BeyondEarth
- #Civ6
- #Civ7
Because this is the best list, obviously.
#10gamestoknowme #civ1 #colonization #civ2 #alphacentauri #civ3 #civ4 #civ5 #beyondearth #civ6 #civ7
@lunarloony TBH I thought this was normal. My #Civ4 was already in a DVD case, but my #Civ2 and #Civ3 came in a nice box.
(in Germany)
Just a quick game of #civ3 turns into a 10 hour, 23 second time warp. And I'm still meek/pathetic/worthless.
Five #videogames to introduce yourself? This will be fun!
1. #Deathloop (probably my all-time favorite)
2. #EscapeAcademy (I'm a huge fan of #EscapeRooms)
3. #Civ3 / #Civ4 / #Civ5 (I have probably poured more hours into the #Civilization series than any other aside from...)
4. #NHL22 and the previous #EASports #hockey games (so many seasons in franchise mode!)
5. #Wolfenstein3D specifically for the #AtariJaguar. This was the smoothest and best-looking version of this game.
#videogames #deathloop #escapeacademy #escaperooms #civ3 #civ4 #civ5 #civilization #nhl22 #easports #hockey #wolfenstein3d #atarijaguar