The #SteamStrategyFest has started, and there are SOOO many games, which you can get discounts for or play a demo!
Most relevant discounts:
- #Civ3, #Civ4, #Civ6
- #OldWold
- Ozymandias:
- Imperium: Greek War
- Myriads:
- Rising Lords:
#steamstrategyfest #civ3 #civ4 #civ6 #oldwold
And the climate madness continues in the "Game Of The Month": For the #Civ4 GOTM you play as the Maya, but not in a lush jungle area, but on a modified boreal map. The map has a standard size, and you will be playing on Prince level. You have until September 15 to dislodge soccer as the world's most favourite ball sport.
For more information please see here:
The #Civ4 Hall of Fame has been updated – 8 games were accepted since the previous update.
Congratulations to SittinDown for the hig score of the update with a Standard, Normal, Noble, Domination game for 111,172 points.
ruff_hi was this time the most active player, with 3 games.
For the #Civ4 "Game Of The Month" we have this time an easy, but confusing game. You play Zara Yacoub of Ethiopia on a standard size donut map on Noble level. This game has unrestricted and aggressive leaders, tech brokering is deactivated, alliances are permanent, and sea levels will rise, it’s a chaos! You have until August 15 to get through this mess in any way you want.
For more information please check this thread:
Since it's popping up on the local time line: #10GamesToKnowMe
And we'll do the most reasonable thing we can do:
- #Civ1
- #Colonization
- #Civ2
- #AlphaCentauri
- #Civ3
- #Civ4
- #Civ5
- #BeyondEarth
- #Civ6
- #Civ7
Because this is the best list, obviously.
#10gamestoknowme #civ1 #colonization #civ2 #alphacentauri #civ3 #civ4 #civ5 #beyondearth #civ6 #civ7
@Sobtanian #Civ5 and #Civ6 are available on Linux, have been ported by Aspyr. On Steam it says SteamDeck+Linux, so I guess we know the reason. I heard that at least #Civ6 runs well on the Steamdeck, but have neither tried it nor playing any of them on Linux though. #Civ4 is only available for Mac, the rest is windows only.
暇さえあれば今でも#Civ4 やってる…Intel Core-iの12世代のCPUの使い道としては、まあ、アリっちゃありか…SLG以外はCPUの性能上げてもゲームの速度には反映されないからなぁ。
@lunarloony TBH I thought this was normal. My #Civ4 was already in a DVD case, but my #Civ2 and #Civ3 came in a nice box.
(in Germany)
More number One entries for #Civ4:
nocho with a 1250 AD, Duel, Marathon, Prince, Space Colony game for 393,398 points.
Lcpl Jack Jones with a 2050 AD, Large, Quick, Settler, Time game for 5,630 points.
A number of players gained a composite table High Score (i.e. Any Condition):
jnebbe with a 1180 AD, Huge, Normal, Emperor, game for 406,949 points.
All high scores, and more info:
The #Civ4 Hall Of Fame has again gotten an update! New players have been inaugurated in our everlasting Hall Of Civ Fame! You can find the whole overview in this thread!
14 games were accepted since the previous update.
Congratulations to jnebbe for the highest score of the update with a Huge, Normal, Emperor, Domination game for 406,949 points.
jnebbe was the most active player during this update, submitting 4 games.
Techspot has published an interview with Christopher Tin about his work, how he got to designing the music of #Civ4, and how this has kick-started his career. In the interview he mentions that Civ was his dream job, with the right combination of elements which interest him, and that there is probably no other game he'd have liked to compose the soundtrack more than Civ.
The interview:
Our thread:
Original source:
Dit is het doel waarvoor ik troepen opbouw... #Civilization #Civ #Civ4 #FallFromHeaven #Gaming
#gaming #fallfromheaven #civ4 #civ #civilization
I play a lot of Civilization IV. This afternoon was probably the most enjoyable struggle I've ever experienced, as my nation invaded a continent inhabited by a country with a well-developed battleship navy and substantial air power.
#civ4 #TanksVersusPikemenIsEasier
#tanksversuspikemeniseasier #civ4
@jamesedward it was a neat toy when I played it (1998?) but I haven’t peeked in at it since then. I just looked at Wikipedia and wow it’s an ongoing concern, huh?
I suspect I’m one of the only people who played a mostly complete four human player #Civ4 game in Play by Email mode. One turn a week! It took about two and a half years.
Five #videogames to introduce yourself? This will be fun!
1. #Deathloop (probably my all-time favorite)
2. #EscapeAcademy (I'm a huge fan of #EscapeRooms)
3. #Civ3 / #Civ4 / #Civ5 (I have probably poured more hours into the #Civilization series than any other aside from...)
4. #NHL22 and the previous #EASports #hockey games (so many seasons in franchise mode!)
5. #Wolfenstein3D specifically for the #AtariJaguar. This was the smoothest and best-looking version of this game.
#videogames #deathloop #escapeacademy #escaperooms #civ3 #civ4 #civ5 #civilization #nhl22 #easports #hockey #wolfenstein3d #atarijaguar
*sigh* It´s going to be one of those nights. Was going to work on learning Xamarin by creating my first application as app for Android/iOS. First I found that you can only create iOS-Apps with a Mac, so I´ll have to spoof that via emulator in virtualbox later, but then the entire project structure broke down. Now I´m sipping tea to burning wood sound playing some #Civ4 #Orbis waiting for the reinstall of VisualStudio+Xamarin to finish. #Christmas #OhVS
The Koreans from South America! Of course! Only in #Caveman2Cosmos, where we´re continuing #Civ4! Join me at
#Civilization #Gaming #Stream
#Twitch #Strategy #Serious
#caveman2cosmos #civ4 #civilization #gaming #stream #twitch #strategy #serious