Ellen Kirkpatrick · @elk
2 followers · 2 posts · Server zirk.us

As a , I’m loving the tradition.

So, here’s mine—

I’m a writer and researcher with a passion for .

My academic work focuses on pop culture, fan activism, and radical worldmaking.

Today, I mostly work outside and am taking my writing in newish directions, including (here comes the ubiquitous hashtag list):

Hoping to connect with likeminded folks!

#newbie #introductionpost #counterstories #academia #visualculture #activism #civicimagination #queerfuturity #storytelling #libraries #Books

Last updated 2 years ago

Ellen Kirkpatrick · @elk
2 followers · 1 posts · Server zirk.us

As a , I’m loving the tradition.

So, here’s mine—

I’m a writer and researcher with a passion for .

My academic work focuses on pop culture, fan activism, and radical worldmaking.

Today, I mostly work outside and am taking my writing in newish directions, including (here comes the ubiquitous hashtag list):

Hoping to connect with likeminded folks!

#newbie #introductionpost #counterstories #academia #visualculture #activism #civicimagination #queerfuturity #storytelling #libraries #Books

Last updated 2 years ago