Ein weiterer Grund 👇, warum Deutschland Vorreiter für liberale Demokratie und #CivicSpace sein sollte und endlich das Recht #Gemeinnützigkeit wie im Koalitionsvertrag vereinbart modernisieren muss. Hierzulande fürchtet sich jeder 20. Verein vor Advocacy: https://www.zivilgesellschaft-ist-gemeinnuetzig.de/30000-vereine-verstummen-wegen-zu-engem-gemeinnuetzigkeitsrecht-ziviz/
#MaecenataInstitut berichtet: "Today, significantly fewer #nonprofits know #advocacy activities they are legally allowed
to do compared to 20 years ago."
Find out more in the new publication "The Retreat of Influence: Exploring the Decline of #Nonprofit Advocacy and #PublicEngagement": https://independentsector.org/blog/independent-sector-commissioned-research-finds-significant-decrease-in-nonprofit-advocacy/
#civicspace #gemeinnutzigkeit #maecenatainstitut #nonprofits #advocacy #nonprofit #publicengagement
@cvoule RT by @laiyanhoeric: To counter authoritarian regimes, “we must defend what I would call the core of #democracy, which is the right to organize and to peacefully assemble.” Thanks @Int_IDEA for this opportunity to share my views on #democracy & #civicspace at this #SummitForDemocracy2023 🔽 https://nitter.hongkongers.net/cvoule/status/1641538986152800257#m
#democracy #civicspace #summitfordemocracy2023
Direkt zum Länderbericht #Deutschland:
#CivicSpace #ShrinkingSpace #Zivilgesellschaft
#deutschland #civicspace #shrinkingspace #zivilgesellschaft
Ein europäischer Blick auf #Zivilgesellschaft, beschränkte oder freie Handlungsräume #civicSpace.
#Deutschland aufgemerkt, hier ist nicht alles wunderbar, Probleme u.a. bei #Gemeinnützigkeit.
RT @EUCivicForum
🔴 Our #CivicSpace2023 report is out now!
#CivilSociety is under pressure across the EU, but it remains the bedrock of democracy.
The report includes 14 country reports, written by ECF members & partners.
A thread 🧵...
#zivilgesellschaft #civicspace #deutschland #gemeinnutzigkeit #civicspace2023 #civilsociety
🇰🇭 #Cambodia: Media and civil society groups have criticized the government's revocation of the media license of VOD, one of the last remaining independent media outlets in the country.
#cambodia #pressfreedom #civicspace
The Media Rights Agenda Nigeria🇳🇬 announces the launch of Alliance for Deepening Democracy (A4DD), a coalition of Nigerian media and civil society organizations working together on critical aspects of the country's 2023 general elections:
IFEX's latest #MENA brief:
🇵🇸 Media violations surge against #Palestinian journalists.
🇪🇬 #Egypt’s heightened digital oppression.
🇮🇷 #Iran: 30 women prisoners demand end to protester executions.
#FreedomOfExpression #PressFreedom #CivicSpace #FreeExpression
#mena #palestinian #egypt #iran #freedomofexpression #pressfreedom #civicspace #freeexpression
How do counter-terrorism measures impact civic space & civil society?
The UN Special Rapporteur on human rights and counter-terrorism has an open call for inputs on this question (deadline 28 Feb) ahead of issuing a global study.
Hoping this is of interest to those working on free expression, civic space and digital rights:
#CivicSpace #CounterTerrorism #TrustAndSafety #HumanRights #FreeSpeech
#civicspace #counterterrorism #TrustAndSafety #humanrights #freespeech
#Nigeria 🇳🇬: Ahead of the February polls, the International Press Center launched the Nigeria Media Code of Election Coverage while showcasing its on-going media monitoring initiative:
#nigeria #civicspace #elections
RT @CIVICUSMonitor@twitter.com
🇲🇲#Myanmar: Journalists and activists continue to be given long jail sentences on fabricated charges nearly two years on from the illegal coup
Our latest #civicspace update: https://web.civicus.org/MyanmarDec2022
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CIVICUSMonitor/status/1613689186539958272
#myanmar #WhatshappeninginMyanmar #civicspace
#CivicSpace 📢 New report outlines the legal, policy, & institutional frameworks & practices governments have in place in 4 key areas:
➡️Protection of civic freedoms
➡️#MediaFreedom + online civic space
➡️Enabling environment
See👉 http://oe.cd/civic-space-report
#policy #key #areas #Earth #world #meioambiente #Environment #biodiversity #Government #equity #desigualdade #direitoshumanos #HumanRights #Humanity #civicfreedoms #Research #report #Free #Freedom #mediafreedom #accesstoinformation #civicspace
🇩🇿 #Algeria: At least 14 journalists are under judicial proceedings. Four are in detention.
We are witnessing an escalation of repression. Authorities must protect freedom of expression and a free press, says Article19
#PressFreedom #CivicSpace #journalism #journalists #JournalismIsNotACrime
#algeria #pressfreedom #civicspace #journalism #journalists #journalismisnotacrime
@CIVICUSMonitor RT by @laiyanhoeric: 🇭🇰 #HongKong: The state of #civicspace remains 'repressed' as the harassment & criminalisation of activists, journalists and protesters have continued unabated Our latest update: https://web.civicus.org/HongKongDec2022 https://nitter.hongkongers.net/CIVICUSMonitor/status/1602507426238173184#m
Herzlichen Glückwunsch, @Attacd@twitter.com - Euer Streit um die #Gemeinnützigkeit ist für #CivicSpace, für weite Handlungsspielräume für sehr viele #zivilgesellschaft|liche Organisationen. Danke!
RT @RZTicker@twitter.com
Der Streit um die Gemeinnützigkeit des Anti-Globalisierungsnetzwerks Attac beschäftigt seit Jahren diverse Gerichte. https://www.rhein-zeitung.de/ar.2483538
#gemeinnutzigkeit #civicspace #zivilgesellschaft
RT @stefandt@twitter.com
Klar,dass jemand nach #Hausdurchsuchung bei #LetzteGeneration noch etwas mit #Gemeinnützigkeit ruft: Der Vorwurf, dass @AufstandLastGen@twitter.com eine #kriminielleVereinigung sei, ist fragwürdig. Da geht es um #Strafrecht. Ein Sonderstrafrecht für Vereine gibt es hier nicht. #CivicSpace https://twitter.com/stefandt/status/1478008365947236355
#hausdurchsuchung #letztegeneration #gemeinnutzigkeit #kriminiellevereinigung #strafrecht #civicspace
@CIVICUSMonitor RT by @finnlau_cd: 🇭🇰 #HongKong: The state of #civicspace remains 'repressed' as the harassment & criminalisation of activists, journalists and protesters have continued unabated Our latest update: https://web.civicus.org/HongKongDec2022 https://nitter.hongkongers.net/CIVICUSMonitor/status/1602507426238173184#m
@CIVICUSMonitor RT by @nathanlawkc: 🇭🇰 #HongKong: The state of #civicspace remains 'repressed' as the harassment & criminalisation of activists, journalists and protesters have continued unabated Our latest update: https://web.civicus.org/HongKongDec2022 https://nitter.hongkongers.net/CIVICUSMonitor/status/1602507426238173184#m
@CIVICUSMonitor RT by @HKLiberty_Team: 🇭🇰 #HongKong: The state of #civicspace remains 'repressed' as the harassment & criminalisation of activists, journalists and protesters have continued unabated Our latest update: https://web.civicus.org/HongKongDec2022 https://nitter.hongkongers.net/CIVICUSMonitor/status/1602507426238173184#m
🇺🇦Widespread destruction of #Ukraine’s museums, theatres and libraries, the persecution of writers and artists, and other attacks against Ukrainian heritage expose the breadth of #Russia’s attempts to erase the country’s cultural identity.
#ukraine #russia #civicspace #culture #identity
🇵🇱#Poland’s government should immediately drop charges against a member of parliament who participated in a pro-choice protest and stop targeting reproductive rights activists. via @humanrightswatch
#poland #reproductiverights #civicspace