"Start with paper. Cheaper than a developer, less bugs." 😸 "The more diverse your team is, the better prepared you are to deal with setbacks. Very nice."
Sophie takes us through the app design flow, explaining the roles and stages involved. Terrific session at #civictechch
Hire her team at https://www.linkedin.com/in/sophieowalker/
Data + Gamification + User feedback = great ingredients for designing a way to improve Voter turnout or any other #civictechCH project. Here in the workshop with #MiraLUX https://projektchplus.ch/
Hey, Projekt CH+ Games for Democracy 👋👾 nice to see you at #civictechCH - come back soon for #PlayBern 😸
How to activate people through well designed participative processes? 📊 #Konova shares data from a #ZHaW study: Pleger Mertes Brüesch 2022 https://minio.konova.ch/konova.ch/documents/Ergebnisbericht_Befragung-zur-digitalen-Mitwirkung_2022.pdf #civictechCH
Great to be able to support #civictechCH online and in person, with mostly smooth simultaneous translation. Kudos to the organisers! (Whom I would love to follow on Mastodon and not just Birdsite)
It's great to see 5000 people a year using participative platforms to debate, at in this example from Geneva, the use of AI in public policy. It's sad to see these platforms overrun by spam. A great way to contribute to #civictechCH is #netgardening .. #digijardin 🧑🌾❔https://participer.ge.ch/processes/intelligenceartifielleetdemocratie/f/145/proposals/255#comments
#civictechch #netgardening #digijardin
J.Schneider #dezentrum 💬 Technology is a political instrument, and our goal today is to discuss a democratic form of technology, promote digital literacy to understand which information to trust, find alternatives to business models based on user data. #civictechCH
Start of the #civictechCH annual conference from the youth parliaments of Switzerland 🛶