Flt: CAP9182 #CivilAirPatrol
First seen: 2023/08/27 12:34:17
Min Alt: 1707 ft AGL
Min Dist: 9.84 nm
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
ICAO: A4340B
Flt: CAP3429 #CivilAirPatrol
First seen: 2023/08/27 14:27:03
Min Alt: 2007 ft AGL
Min Dist: 9.62 mi
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
ICAO: A4340B
Flt: CAP3429 #CivilAirPatrol
First seen: 2023/08/19 08:38:29
Min Alt: -93 ft AGL
Min Dist: 3.53 mi
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
Flt: CAP3424 #CivilAirPatrol
First seen: 2023/07/13 19:03:18
Min Alt: 2757 ft AGL
Min Dist: 0.92 mi
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
ICAO: A4340B
Flt: CAP3429 #CivilAirPatrol
First seen: 2023/06/30 15:52:02
Min Alt: 1707 ft AGL
Min Dist: 9.41 mi
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
ICAO: A43F30
Flt: CAP1931 #CivilAirPatrol #BED-#BAF
First seen: 2023/06/25 13:16:07
Min Alt: 3232 ft AGL
Min Dist: 9.66 mi
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
In addition to being a #HamRadio guy, I'm also a member of the #CivilAirPatrol (USAF Aux), where I serve as a Radio Operator and Personnel Officer.
#EmergencyServices #AmateurRadio #communications #CommunityService #USAF
#HamRadio #civilairpatrol #emergencyservices #AmateurRadio #communications #communityservice #usaf
ICAO: A4340B
Flt: CAP3429 #CivilAirPatrol
First seen: 2023/05/19 21:08:54
Min Alt: 3882 ft AGL
Min Dist: 0.34 mi
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
Saturday reuniting with old friends at our Civil Air Patrol NJ Wing Conference. #civilairpatrol
How to build cohesiveness and attention to detail? https://surching4me.com/how-to-build-cohesiveness-and-attention-to-detail/ #CivilAirPatrol, #Discipline, #Drill
#drill #discipline #civilairpatrol
Impressed with the cadet presentation for some ground search and rescue training. #civilairpatrol #searchandrescue #cadetprograms
#cadetprograms #searchandrescue #civilairpatrol
When you bump into a State Senator and have a quick chat. #senbobmenendez #newjersey #senate #washingtondc #civilairpatrol
#civilairpatrol #WashingtonDC #senate #NewJersey #senbobmenendez
Am I the only one who feels like I have multiple personalities? There is simplyRik - Creative, Life Learner | ITSM Uncovered - IT Service Management Pro and 1stLt Rik - Squadron Commander with the Civil Air Patrol.... #itsm #itservicemanagement #civilairpatrol #creative
#creative #civilairpatrol #ITServiceManagement #ITSM
One of the things I am most proud of is being involved in the Civil Air Patrol and helping work with Cadets and developing future leaders. A great program here in the U.S.. Took them flying on Gliders... A great experience for them all. #civilairpatrol #cadetprograms https://surching4me.com/cadets-take-to-the-skies-in-gliders/
#cadetprograms #civilairpatrol
Well tomorrow is when I return to the #CAP. I need to get my level 2 stuff done soon. I think I'll go for my com's tgrack first. #CivilAirPatrol #FlyingBlind
#flyingBlind #civilairpatrol #cap
Flt: #CAP1915 #CivilAirPatrol #BED-#ORH
First seen: 2023/02/20 14:19:50
Min Alt: 2075 ft MSL
Min Dist: 1.78 nm
#planefence #adsb - https://planefence.com
#a98ee0 #cap1915 #civilairpatrol #bed #orh #planefence #adsb
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #A638AC Tail: #N50MB Flt: #CAP2850 #Squawk: #7600
Aircraft: #
2023/02/11 10:45:54
#planealert #a638ac #n50mb #cap2850 #squawk #civilairpatrol
Flt: #CAP1924 #CivilAirPatrol
First seen: 2023/01/27 14:18:54
Min Alt: 900 ft MSL
Min Dist: 0.52 nm
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
#adab64 #cap1924 #civilairpatrol
I finally had the chance to complete my mission pilot evaluation and I’m now fully qualified. It’s been nearly two years since I started the training but unfortunately, it hasn’t been my flying priority. The flying I get to do with CAP is some of the most enjoyable and rewarding I do. I’m looking forward to the new opportunities this qualification will allow me to participate in. #goflyCAP #aviation #pilot #flying #civilairpatrol
#goflyCAP #aviation #pilot #flying #civilairpatrol
Cessna C.172R, United States Civil Air Patrol, Sanford Seacoast Regional Airport (KSFM), Maine. Optimized for use by members of the Civil Air Patrol (an Auxiliary arm of the United States Air Force), this aircraft was being used by the Sanford Composite Squadron of the Maine Wing of the CAP, and is finished in their distinctive colour scheme. #CAP #USAF #Auxiliary #Cessna #C172R #UnitedStates #Maine #USA #Sanford #CivilAirPatrol #SanfordSeacoastRegionalAirport #KSFM #MaineWingCAP
#cap #usaf #auxiliary #cessna #c172r #unitedstates #maine #usa #sanford #civilairpatrol #sanfordseacoastregionalairport #ksfm #mainewingcap