Thank god (or shitty past regulations); since I volunteer in urban search and rescue I have the chance to get all three
#usar #UrbandSearchAndRescue #civildefence #civildefense #disasterrelief #volunteer #bevölkerungsschutz #katastrophenschutz #environment
#blessed #usar #urbandsearchandrescue #civildefence #civildefense #disasterrelief #volunteer #bevolkerungsschutz #katastrophenschutz #environment
Well that's the test out of the way. At least we had plenty of warning. #CivilDefence
Du må altså også gerne komme, selvom du aldrig har været betjent eller autonom...😅
Vi holder åbent alle lørdage og søndage kl 10-16, og I kan komme med på en gratis rundvisning kl 11 og 14, når først entréen er betalt.
#Odense #mitfynskeliv #mitfyn #fynerfin
#koldkrig #koldkrigsmuseum #coldwar #coldwarmuseum #beredskab #civilforsvar #civildefence #forsvar #politi #politimuseum #politmuseet #fynspoliti #museum #museumslover #bunker #bunkermuseum
#tåregas #peberspray #autonome
#Odense #mitfynskeliv #mitfyn #fynerfin #koldkrig #koldkrigsmuseum #coldwar #coldwarmuseum #beredskab #civilforsvar #civildefence #forsvar #politi #politimuseum #politmuseet #fynspoliti #museum #museumslover #bunker #bunkermuseum #taregas #peberspray #autonome
Do you know what EUCPM stands for?
When an emergency overwhelms a country in Europe or beyond, the #EUCivilProtection Mechanism is there to power a strong European response. 🇪🇺🚨💪
Since its launch in 2001, the Mechanism has responded to over 650 worldwide requests for emergency assistance.
#EUCivilProtection #civildefence #firstresponse #emergency #disaster
It's a beautiful day outside, so of course it's a perfect opportunity to head below ground and enlighten the public. 😎
#Odense #Bunker #Museum
#ColdWar #CivilDefence #EmergencyServices
#Odense #bunker #museum #coldwar #civildefence #emergencyservices
Det kan måske lyde mærkeligt, at vi har navngivet næsten alle mannequindukker i bunkeren - næsten som om vi savner nogen at tale med. 😅
Men nej, det er faktisk gjort med den dybeste respekt for de mennesker, der enten har gjort tjeneste i bunkeren eller på anden vis har sat sit aftryk på koldkrigens historie.
Så kom og mød Kai, Inge og Jesper under rundvisning hver lørdag og søndag, kl. 11 og 14.
#Koldkrigsmuseum #ColdWar #ColdWarMuseum #Bunker #Museum #Beredskab #Civilforsvar #CivilDefence
#koldkrigsmuseum #coldwar #coldwarmuseum #bunker #museum #beredskab #civilforsvar #civildefence
Happy 52nd anniversary to this terrifying (and fascinating) event. #CivilDefence #EmergencyBroadcastSystem #WOWO
#civildefence #emergencybroadcastsystem #wowo
Defence Force aids Auckland in flood emergency
The #NewZealand #Defence Force is assisting #CivilDefence authorities and #emergency services in response to catastrophic #flooding across Auckland City. (NZDF) #climate #security
#newzealand #defence #civildefence #Emergency #flooding #climate #security
This turned out to be a fantastic way to meet new friends in #CivilProtection #CivilDefence #EUCivPro! Welcome to my new followers! 👋
#WithoutGoogling…do you know what this symbol means?
Yes/No only, don’t give the game away!
#civilprotection #civildefence #eucivpro #withoutgoogling
I've just signed up for this course, "Living and learning in uncertain times". War and other crises are something our pupils are going to have to deal with, so we #teachers need to educate ourselves about how to help.
I can attend this course free via my union. A nice demonstration of how civil society works to increase #resilience and #CivilDefence,om%202%20timmar%20%2D%20helt%20kostnadsfritt.
#civildefence #resilience #teachers
"Pas på hovedet!" - "Mind your head!"
A history of the development of the helmet, is our special exhibition for 2023. Nerdy, we know, but still incredibly fascinating. 🪖⛑️
#coldwar #history #civildefence #military
Hello 👋, this is my #introduction. I am a postdoc in media history at Lund University, Sweden. I'm currently working on a project about Cold War psychological defence and media preparedness in DK and SE.
My recent research has focused on other aspects of #coldwar #nuclearculture, particularly #civildefence in DK and the UK.
Future research adventures includes a digital history project on #shelters in Aarhus, DK.
#introduction #coldwar #nuclearculture #civildefence #shelters
I appreciate the realism in this episode - those uniforms are filthy.
#allstartrek #civildefence #DS9
Ben - you gonna be glad to have Jake with you - about 40 minutes ago he saved you and O'Brien from some poison gas. I'd say exactly what it is but I can't spell it
#allstartrek #civildefence #DS9
Julian - I'm glad your keeping Jadzia in your thoughts - persistence pays off!!
#startrekds9 #allstartrek #civildefence
RT @CivilDefenceIRL: Civil Defence Covid-19 Medal Presentation Ceremony in @CrokePark #civildefence #civildefencemedals @IRLDeptDefence @simoncoveney
#civildefence #civildefencemedals
Medal for service during Covid #civildefence Nice to get a pat on the back!
Husband. Father. Human to a Landseer Newfoundland dog.
Work... systems and networks thinking.
#EnterpriseArchitecture #EA
#privacy / #infosec / #data #strategy
#GraphTheory #GraphDatabases
#SemanticWeb #KnowledgeGraphs
Not Work...
#music #edm #rock #classical
#fun #DnD #DungeonsAndDragons
#camping #outdoors #hiking #canoeing #RVing
#Scouting #Scouts #ScoutsCanada 2nd Kincardine
#CivilDefence #CivilDefense
Better living through ethnography.
Views are my own.
#enterprisearchitecture #ea #privacy #infosec #data #strategy #graphTheory #graphdatabases #semanticweb #knowledgegraphs #music #edm #rock #classical #fun #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #camping #outdoors #hiking #canoeing #RVing #scouting #scouts #scoutscanada #civildefence #civildefense
#CivilDefence in #Ukraine: Preliminary Lessons From the First Months of War - ICDS
I’m very glad that NZ Mastodon is approaching critical mass. Long may it continue. I’m glad because in natural disasters (of which we have all too many) Twitter has been a key source of information exchange. I’m increasingly optimistic that the fediverse will be able to satisfy that need.
I wonder how long it’ll take for government organisations like Civil Defence / National Emergency Management Agency to set up a feed here? Another solid use case for an instance.