I'm quite prepared to throw this fat, old body at the barricades, when the time comes. If nothing else, it'll take four coppers to drag me away.
#Revolution #CivilDisobediance #Strike #SupportTheStrikers #GeneralStrike #StrikesAreMeantToBeInconvenient
#strikesaremeanttobeinconvenient #generalstrike #supportthestrikers #strike #civildisobediance #revolution
This is some #CivilDisobediance for our planet's sake that I can support. Fabilisimo!
'what a glorious & splendid & happy & wonderful thing human life could be if only human beings would let it.'
superduo of the day: studs & bert.
studs terkel interviews bertrand russell (1962) in which bert name-drops percy bysshe shelley:
#bertrandRussell #studsTerkel #wales #philosophy #civilDisobediance
#civildisobediance #philosophy #Wales #studsterkel #bertrandrussell
Nouvelle action de désobéissance civile de scientifiques en Norvège pour
⚠️ alerter sur l'urgence climatique
⚠️ Dénoncer l'inaction et l'hypocrisie climatique
⚠️ Exiger l'arrêt immédiat de tout projet pétrolier
Le communiqué de @scientifiques_en_rebellion
#climateaction #climatecrisis #civildisobediance #juststopoil
A call to action for life scientists.
And examples of scientists as activists through the ages.
#conservationBiology #biodiversityCrisis
#civildisobediance #ScientificActivism
#scientificactivism #civildisobediance #biodiversitycrisis #conservationbiology
A defense of #civildisobediance as a mechanism for raising #climatecrisis awareness. #GuardianUK article
#civildisobediance #climatecrisis #GuardianUK #climate
Maybe it's time I did an #introduction.
I'm a staff engineer & ex-manager at Canonical (the Ubuntu company), but I'm not here for Canonical, my opinions are my own.
I love principled discussions and heterodox ideas.
I'm well into #FreeSoftware (not quite the same as #OpenSource), #freedomofinformation
#freedomofassembly, #civildisobediance, #acab, #BLM, #workersrights
#economicjustice, #MMT, #politics, #leftism, #socialism, #OpenBorders, #pacifism, #feminism, #humanrights, #refugeeswelcome
#introduction #freesoftware #opensource #freedomofinformation #freedomofassembly #civildisobediance #acab #blm #workersrights #economicjustice #mmt #politics #leftism #socialism #openborders #pacifism #feminism #humanrights #refugeeswelcome
@humanetech@mastodon.social @RefurioAnachro @amydentata@switter.at Me and a friend had this same discussion, and we had almost these same definitions, but flipped on which word meant what. Then we looked it up in the dictionary and it said they meant the same thing 😂
(Legalityandfollowingorders vs. Ethicsandmorals though is extremely well-defined and everyone should learn about that and the history of it! #CivilDisobediance ;3 )