«In a bombshell new filing that flew under the radar amid news of #DonaldTrump's #indictment over #2020election interference, the #NewYork #AttorneyGeneral's office stated they are 'ready for trial.'
#NY #AG #LetitiaJames filed the massive $250 million #CivilFraud lawsuit back in September 2022 against Donald Trump, the #TrumpOrganization, and three of Trump's children — Ivanka, Eric and Don Jr.»
#donaldtrump #indictment #2020election #newyork #attorneygeneral #ny #ag #letitiajames #civilfraud #trumporganization
#IvankaTrump dismissed by #supremecourt as co-defendants in #DonaldTrump's #civilfraud case
#ivankatrump #supremecourt #donaldtrump #civilfraud