Mauna Loa is erupting in a fantastic display on natural beauty and power. We are all taking about narcissists having temper tantrums on social media. #civilisationcollapse
The 27th COP is done. We will go beyond 1.5°.
Elon Musk - climate denier want to reinstate the imbecile Trumps account. Unsurprising. Twitter is awash with Saudi Arabian oil money.
The lunatics are running the asylum, the doors are locked and the heating is being ramped up.
This is #civilisationcollapse
#nicheconstruction #EES #basalcognition #autopoiesis #symbiosis #systemsthinking #plantstudies #philosophyofbiology #philosophyofscience #ecoevodevo #evodevo #consciousness #NonViolentDirectAction #ecocurriculum #environmentalphilosophy #ecophilosophy #ecopedagogy #aesthetics #ecologicalcrisis #deepadaptation #civilisationcollapse #facingdeath #philosophyforsustainability #anthropocene #ArtSci #tricksterpedagogy #ecohumanities #contemplativepractices