DO: #zfs-on-wsl2 @alexhaydock Thankyou!
`$ sudo ./build_wsl_kernel.sh
[[ 0 -ne 0 ]]
source ./vars.sh
++ KERNELVER=6.4.12
++ ZFSVER=2.1.12
++ ZFSVER=2.1.12
++ KERNELNAME=mantic-zfs-wsl
PLAY: #civilization6 _I will_ win on #diety level if it takes me 100hrs gameplay over months. The AI is disappointing, Google DeepMind needed
READ: Neal Asher - War Bodies. Just another romp by Asher through posthuman morality questions in the guise of Ian Bank's Culture Series but with nasty spikes
#do #zfs #civilization6 #diety
1) Lazy sunday in front of my PC playing #civilization6 all day
2) I finally had a decent nightâs sleep again
3) now some knitting and a lazy evening with maybe some #netflix
#3goodthings #civilization6 #Netflix
Christopher Tin: Live at Llangollen - Sogno di Volare
La puissance de ce thĂšme Ă©pique lĂ .
#christophertin #ost #civilization6
Er is momenteel een stroomstoring in #Dordrecht. Ik hoop wel dat die opgelost is voor het donker word. Anders moeten we straks tv kijken bij kaarslicht.
(Gestolen van een quote bij #civilization6)
My settlers finally made it to their destination, establishing a frontier with Russia.
Now to decide how aggressively I want to settle on my Grecian border.
#civ #civ6 #civilization #civilization6 #pbem
Playing Civilization 6 as Elizabeth I of England.
Minding my own business working on building up my two cities on the coast. Trying to get a good science foundation, clear away barbarians,and build up an army... and Pericles of Greece decides to declare war on me. What an ass. I am doing the continent a favor by taking on the barbarians and he declares war on me. Kind of a dick move if you ask me.
Dominating the world as Elizabeth I. I have not played this in a while and it is time again...
Cleared out the barbarians, and my settler nears its destination by the river. Need to upgrade my slingers to archers and go find the source of these barbarians.
Meanwhile on the other side of the world Babylon is ten techs ahead of everyone else.
#civ #civ6 #civilization #civilization6 #pbem
Das nÀchste #PCGamepass Game das ich mir auf jedenfall noch angucken will ist #Civilization6
Obwohl ich schon etwas Angst davor habe, dass es mir eventuell nicht zusagt.
âAber probieren geht ĂŒber studierenâ đ
Oh my, the next technology I've unlocked in #civilization6 has a quote from #AdamSavage! I can't stop smiling.
It warms my heart to see #TerryPratchett quoted in #civilization6. #GNUTerry
#GNUTerry #civilization6 #terrypratchett
Y'all better get on this!
One of the best modern strategy games just got a ridiculous discount https://www.vg247.com/one-of-the-best-strategy-games-just-got-a-ridiculous-discount
#civilization6 #sidmeier #2kgames #deal #steam #PC #gaming
Playing Civilization VI with my wife and son on our iPadsâŠand it is SO fun. Love being able to play all three of us together.
#gaming #videogames #civilization6 #mobilegaming
[ #Minecraft + #Civilization6 ] / #JeuxVideo
[QuĂȘte] "Les pompistes Ă©vaporĂ©s" (style steampunk?), elle introduit les nouvelles mĂ©caniques et la victoire redstonique qui consiste Ă rĂ©ussir Ă dĂ©truire tous les blocs introduits.
A chaque bloc dĂ©truit, si la quĂȘte est prise, procure le buff "adhĂ©sion du peuple" pendant 3 tours (cumulable) et un bonus au coĂ»t des unitĂ©s. 1/x
#minecraft #civilization6 #jeuxvideo
And with a final nuke, I have completed #Civilization6. (well the base game) Maybe I'll get the dlc someday if it drops in price.
FĂŒr die Unwissenden unter euch: sucht nach dem Komponisten âChristopher Tinâ und hört euch âBaba Yetuâ (Civ 4) und âSogno di Volareâ (Civ 6) an. Liebâs. â„ïž
#soundtrack #gamingsoundtrack #civilization6 #gaming
Civ VI intro movie und ich hab bei der Musik wieder sehr viel GĂ€nsehaut. Einfach einer meiner absoluten Lieblingsspielesoundtracks. đ„°
#nerdkram #strategygames #civilization6 #gaming
I definitely didn't stay up until 3:30am getting a Diety Culture victory on day 1...
#civilization6 #civ6 #civilization