Parents of students killed in the #StonemanDouglasHigh #SchoolShooting are doing what a failing #Florida judicial system should’ve done. They organized a *reenactment with live bullets* to prove that #SRO #ScotPeterson could in FACT hear where shots were coming from, but was too cowardly to respond to.
At least parents can seek more complete justice through their #CivilLawsuit. ✅
#stonemandouglashigh #schoolshooting #florida #sro #scotpeterson #civillawsuit
Painful reenactment
Judge allows Parkland re-live
To relive the horror
#parkland #shooting #civillawsuit #reenactment #haiku #poetry
#parkland #shooting #civillawsuit #reenactment #haiku #poetry
"#Civilrights and personal injury attorneys Ben Crump, Antonio Romanucci, and local counsel, retired Judge Earnestine Hunt Dorse, will announce the filing of a #civillawsuit against the City of #Memphis, #MemphisPolice Department, and individual officers for the January 2023 death of #TyreNichols. The 29-year-old father was killed after a pretextual traffic stop and a brutal beating by Memphis #PoliceOfficers," says attorney Benjamin Crump in a Wednesday statement
#civilrights #civillawsuit #memphis #memphispolice #tyrenichols #policeofficers
Global News BC: B.C. wins longstanding civil forfeiture case against Hells Angels #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #HellsAngelsclubhousesseized #DirectorofCivilForfeiture #bccivilforfeitureoffice #CivilForfeitureOffice #BCCourtofAppeal #BCHellsAngels #CivilLawsuit #HellsAngels #Vancouver #Kelowna #Nanaimo #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #hellsangelsclubhousesseized #directorofcivilforfeiture #bccivilforfeitureoffice #civilforfeitureoffice #bccourtofappeal #bchellsangels #civillawsuit #HellsAngels #Vancouver #kelowna #nanaimo #crime
Help them find #KyleRittenhouse "Investigators Couldn’t Find Kyle Rittenhouse. That Won’t Stop the Lawsuit Against Him." #FarRightTerrorism #FarRightExtremism #CivilLawsuit #FindHim
#KyleRittenhouse #farrightterrorism #farrightextremism #civillawsuit #findhim
John Huber filed a lawsuit after Kyle Rittenhouse shot and killed his son. Even though he can't find Rittenhouse, a judge ruled the suit can proceed.
#News #kylerittenhouse #civillawsuit #Farright #republican #Kenosha #Wisconsin #AR-15
#News #kylerittenhouse #civillawsuit #farright #republican #kenosha #wisconsin #ar