#SocialMedia #Facebook #Twitter #CivilProtection: "Facebook and Twitter spent years making themselves essential conduits for news. Now that government agencies, the media and hundreds of millions of people have come to rely on them for critical information in times of crisis, the social media giants have decided they’re not so invested in the news after all.
Tech titans Mark Zuckerberg and Musk may not agree on much. But both have pulled back, in different ways, from what their companies once saw as a responsibility, to both their users and society, to connect people with reliable sources of information. A drumbeat of natural disasters, probably intensified by climate change, is highlighting the consequences of that retrenchment.
“Just a few years ago, Twitter was a really valuable way for us to communicate with the public,” said Brian Ferguson, deputy director of crisis communications for California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services. “It’s much more challenging now because of some of the changes that have happened.”"
#socialmedia #facebook #twitter #civilprotection
Strombolian activity at the moment, so mostly ash emission, my vacations might be safe, although they had to close the airport.
For the curious, the #VONA (Volcano Observatory Notice for Aviation) of the #OsservatorioEtneo (#Catania section of the #INGV) are available here:
#civilprotection #volcanology #INGV #Catania #osservatorioetneo #vona
RT by @MSBse: As the meeting of Directors General of @CBSSsecretariat #CivilProtectionNetwork takes place in #Hamburg today, we invite you to read an interview with Professor #BengtSundelius,Strategic Adviser to @MSBse,on international cooperation in #civilprotection🌍👉https://cbss.org/2023/06/20/bengt-sundelius-civil-protection/
#civilprotectionnetwork #hamburg #bengtsundelius #civilprotection
RT by @MSBse: we are attending the 2nd meeting of Directors of #CivilProtection and #Firefighting schools in Revinge (Sweden) presenting our framework on #VR for training purposes
>@eu_echo @ProvinciaTrento @dpcpat1 @ENBombeiros @roteskreuzat @DPCgov @MSBse @3DOMFBK @FBK_research @EU_Commission
#civilprotection #firefighting #vr
European Commission wants independent firefighter plane fleet https://www.euractiv.com/section/crisis-management/news/european-commission-wants-independent-firefighter-plane-fleet/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Canadair #civilprotection #ERCC #EuropeanCommission #forestfires
#canadair #civilprotection #ercc #europeancommission #forestfires
Das DRK betreibt in Zusammenarbeit mit den Johannitern für den Katastrophenschutz der @EU_Commission ein großes Materiallager in Dresden:
➡️ https://www.saechsische.de/dresden/neues-drk-logistikzentrum-5862948.html
➡️ https://www.johanniter.de/juh/lv-sn/news-pressebereich/aktuelles-aus-sachsen/lagerstandort-fuer-eu-notfallreserve-in-dresden-eroeffnet-9462/
➡️ https://civil-protection-humanitarian-aid.ec.europa.eu/what/civil-protection/resceu_en
#DRK #RotesKreuz #RedCross #Katastrophenschutz #Katastrophenhilfe #Bevölkerungsschutz #DesasterRelief #EU #EUCivProt #EUCivilProtection #EUCivilProtectionMechanism #CivilProtection #Dresden #Sachsen
#drk #roteskreuz #redcross #katastrophenschutz #katastrophenhilfe #bevolkerungsschutz #desasterrelief #EU #eucivprot #EUcivilprotection #eucivilprotectionmechanism #civilprotection #dresden #sachsen
#Commovente cerimonia di ringraziamento per i volontari del Coc a #Giulianova
#Giulianova. Cerimonia di ringraziamento per i volontari del Coc impegnati nella gestione della pandemia e nell’accoglienza dei cittadini ucraini. #Ieri sera, al #Kursaal, il Vice Sindaco #LidiaAlbani ha consegnato gli attestati individuali e gli encomi a #CroceRossa, #ProtezioneCivile e #DonoDiMaria. Riconoscimenti anche alle psicologhe #SilviaPasquali e #Laura
L'articolo #Commovente cerimonia di ringraziamento per i volontari del Coc a #Giulianova sembra essere il primo su #AbruzzoLive.
Moving #thanksgiving ceremony for Coc volunteers in #Giulianova
#Giulianova. #Thanksgiving ceremony for the Coc volunteers engaged in managing the pandemic and in welcoming #Ukrainian citizens. #Lastnight, at the #Kursaal, Deputy Mayor #LidiaAlbani handed out individual certificates and commendations to #theRedCross, #CivilProtection and #DonoDiMaria. Awards were also presented to psychologists #SilviaPasquali and #Laura
The article Moving #thanksgiving ceremony for Coc volunteers in #Giulianova appeared #first on #AbruzzoLive.
5-5-2023 12:36 #AbruzzoLive https://abruzzolive.it https://abruzzolive.it/commovente-cerimonia-di-ringraziamento-per-i-volontari-del-coc-a-giulianova/
#commovente #giulianova #ieri #kursaal #lidiaalbani #crocerossa #protezionecivile #donodimaria #silviapasquali #laura #abruzzolive #thanksgiving #ukrainian #lastnight #theredcross #civilprotection #first
This turned out to be a fantastic way to meet new friends in #CivilProtection #CivilDefence #EUCivPro! Welcome to my new followers! 👋
RT @mtthwhgn@twitter.com
#WithoutGoogling…do you know what this symbol means?
Yes/No only, don’t give the game away!
#civilprotection #civildefence #eucivpro #withoutgoogling
In #Ischia people faced extreme rain after an extremely dry summer/early autumn, causing powdery soil - in a highly built up hilly tourist area - to quickly turn into a mud landslide. #climatechange no longer allows us to build wherever we could get away with in the past. There will be many more Ischia’s. 94% of Italian municipalities are at risk of floods, coastal erosion and landslides, according to the head of Italy’s #civilprotection.
#Ischia #climatechange #civilprotection