Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: New Jersey Supreme Court Rules That Catholic Schools Can Fire Teachers for Premarital Sex #Jezebel #industrialandorganizationalpsychology #88thunitedstatescongress #civilrightsmovement #victoriacrisitello #alexandershalom #civilrightsact #religionbelief #petergverniero #peterverniero #theresalee #education #advocacy #lawcrime #labor
#jezebel #industrialandorganizationalpsychology #88thunitedstatescongress #civilrightsmovement #victoriacrisitello #alexandershalom #civilrightsact #religionbelief #petergverniero #peterverniero #theresalee #education #advocacy #lawcrime #labor
Tomorrow Begins Now is a very interesting nonfiction book focusing on how teenagers impacted civil rights and social justice in the United States between the 1950s and 2020s.
#nonfiction #ya #yareads #yanonfiction #yabooks #youngadult #youngadultbooks #booktok #bookstodon #book #bookstagram #igbooks #igbookstagram #booksofinstagram #booktour #avaloreleideakin #tomorrowbeginsnow #activism #civilrights #civilrightsmovement #teenager @YALit @mastodon
#nonfiction #ya #yareads #yanonfiction #yabooks #youngadult #youngadultbooks #booktok #bookstodon #book #bookstagram #igbooks #igbookstagram #booksofinstagram #booktour #avaloreleideakin #tomorrowbeginsnow #activism #civilrights #civilrightsmovement #teenager
#Religion #Immigration #LGTBQI #HateSpeech #bidenadministration #Biden #USSTATEDEPARTMEN #Racism #RacismInAmerica #BlackAmericans #Africa #Africans #WhiteSupremacyRhetoric #WhiteSupremacy #Complacency #civilrightsmovement #History #blackhistory365 #BlackHistory 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽
#religion #immigration #lgtbqi #hatespeech #BidenAdministration #biden #usstatedepartmen #racism #racisminamerica #blackamericans #Africa #africans #whitesupremacyrhetoric #whitesupremacy #complacency #civilrightsmovement #history #blackhistory365 #BlackHistory
"#Panther offers the extraordinary little-told story of the first year the #VotingRightsAct was put to the test, in 1966, deep in the heart of the Jim Crow South. That election would reverberate across the nation, from Alabama to Oakland to the halls of Congress, changing the course of history through to the #VotingRights battles of today."
#BlackPower #BlackPowerMovement #BlackPanthers #BlackLiberation #CivilRightsMovement #BlackHistory #USHistory
#panther #votingrightsact #votingrights #blackpower #blackpowermovement #blackpanthers #blackliberation #civilrightsmovement #blackhistory #ushistory #reckonradio
Been doing the work and fighting for equality for decades, and have the receipts. I’ve found that struggling for social justice is a lifelong commitment, and there are no quick fixes. Resistance comes from many corners; political, corporate, white culture, now even education. The established and entrenched elites like the way things work now, regardless of consequences for the rest of us and the planet. I’m pleased (and relieved) to see an army of Gen X, Y, Z and beyond rising to the occasion, already carrying the torch. New generations of #SocialJustice warriors taking the fight to the fascists. I’d encourage younger warriors to keep fighting regardless of setbacks, frustration and significant headwinds. We WILL win in the end. Here’s a bit of my personal history with the movement. #BLM #BlackMastodon #HumanRights #RainbowCoalition #politics #PoliticalStruggle #CivilRights #CivilRightsMovement
#socialjustice #blm #blackmastodon #humanrights #rainbowcoalition #politics #politicalstruggle #civilrights #civilrightsmovement
And a couple of photos taken by my grandmother at his funeral in Atlanta. #MLK #Americanhistory #civilrightsmovement
#mlk #americanhistory #civilrightsmovement
And #Alabama be like, "We're the birthplace of the #CivilRightsMovement! Look how progressive we are!"
You're one of like 6 states which were like, 80% of the reason we desperately needed a civil rights movement. Don't try to act like this is a positive about your culture.
"Our culture is so bad it prompts civil rights marches!"
60 Years Ago Today: Police Attack Children’s Crusade with Dogs & Water Cannons in Birmingham, Alabama
#DemocracyNow #BirminghamChildrensCrusade #CivilRightsMovement #BlackLivesMatter #PoliceBrutality #HistoryMatters
#democracynow #birminghamchildrenscrusade #civilrightsmovement #blacklivesmatter #policebrutality #HistoryMatters
New Book Drop in the #littlefreelibrary !
The Year of Jubilee is an emotional coming-of-age historical novel where a young girl is torn between her family’s beliefs and the civil rights movement taking place in a 1960s Kentucky town.
Full post :
#bookstodon @boostodon #CindyMorgan #SouthernFiction #WomensFiction #ComingOfAgeNovel
#TyndaleHouse #historicalnovel #book #bookreview #1960s #civilrightsmovement #comingofage #lfl #lflbookdrop #booktok
#littlefreelibrary #bookstodon #cindymorgan #southernfiction #womensfiction #comingofagenovel #tyndalehouse #historicalnovel #book #bookreview #1960s #civilrightsmovement #comingofage #lfl #lflbookdrop #booktok
#HarryBelafonte #Belafonte #RIP #RestinPeace #CalypsoRock #Calypso #KingofCalypso #CivilRightsMovement #MartinLutherKing #BananaBoatSong #DayO #IslandintheSun #MarchonWashington #Hope #1960s #VietnamWar #Freedom #Peace
Zum Tod von Harry Belafonte
#harrybelafonte #belafonte #rip #restinpeace #calypsorock #calypso #kingofcalypso #civilrightsmovement #martinlutherking #bananaboatsong #dayo #islandinthesun #marchonwashington #hope #1960s #vietnamwar #freedom #peace Ousted Tennessee legislator Justin Jones reinstated after Nashville council vote
The council suspended the rules to allow an immediate vote on Jones’ seat. Less than an hour later, Jones was sworn in on the steps of the State Capitol.
#BanAssaultWeapons #GunReformNow #NashvilleShootings #StudentProtests #TooManyGuns #TwoJustins #JustinJones #CivilRightsMovement #TennesseeFascism #GOPtraitorsToDemocracy
#BanAssaultWeapons #GunReformNow #nashvilleshootings #studentprotests #toomanyguns #twojustins #justinjones #civilrightsmovement #tennesseefascism #GOPTraitorsToDemocracy
Happy birthday singer, civil rights activist, and film icon Paul Robeson! Here’s some original fan art to celebrate!
#HappyBirthday #PaulRobeson #Singer #CivilRightsMovement #RedScare #RaceFilm #TheEmperorJones #BodyANdSoul #Jericho #SongOfFreedom #Art #MovieArt #Movies #MovieHistory
#happybirthday #paulrobeson #singer #civilrightsmovement #redscare #racefilm #theemperorjones #bodyandsoul #jericho #songoffreedom #art #movieart #movies #moviehistory
To get some of its lessons on the #CivilRightsMovement approved for use in #Florida elementary schools, a curriculum publisher deleted the civil-rights part.
<strong>Anne Moody: Context and Conflict in <em>Coming of Age in Mississippi</em></strong>
#Context #20thcenturyhistory #Americanhistory #civilrights #civilrightsmovement #historicalthinking #race #UShistory #women'shistory #podcast #histodons #history @histodons
#context #20thcenturyhistory #americanhistory #civilrights #civilrightsmovement #historicalthinking #race #ushistory #women #podcast #histodons #history
27-2-1897 Vandaag geboren Marian Anderson. Contralto.
Born today Marian Anderson (d.1993)
Belangrijk in de Amerikaanse 'civil rightsmovement'.
Ze mocht in 1939 niet zingen tijdens een niet gesegregeerd concert in Washington en zong toen voor het Lincoln memorial voor 75.000 mensen
In 1939 she was not allowed tot sing in a non segregated concert in Washington and sang instead before the Lincoln Memorial for an audience 0f 75.000.
#BlackHistoryMonth #blackmastodon #civilrightsmovement
Medgar Evers and his family on the left.with his wife Myrlie Evers and children
#blackhistorymonth #blackmastodon #civilrightsmovement
#BlackHistoryMonth #blackmastodon #books
'Eyes On the Prize" the companion volume to the PBS series
Americas Civil Rights Years 1954-1965.
Great book,good read.Giving this book 2 my neighbor,she is a retired school teacher.So she's about 2 become a tutor and she is primarily going to be teaching black history.I thought that was a great idea.So I give a Shout Out 2 Miss Thelma.She has ordered some books from #AALBC aka #AfricanAmericanLiteraryBookClub
#blackhistorymonth #blackmastodon #books #civilrightsmovement #africanamericanliterarybookclub #aalbc
On Feb. 8, 1968, state police fired into a crowd of unarmed studentswho were protesting racial segregation at a bowling alley in Orangeburg, South Carolina. At least 27 were injured, and three people were killed.
' Governor McNair blamed “Black power advocates” for the “violence” of the massacre. '
#BlackHistory #USHistory #CivilRightsMovement #racism #PoliceViolence #SouthCarolina #OrangeburgMassacre
#policeviolence #racism #ushistory #OrangeburgMassacre #southcarolina #civilrightsmovement #blackhistory