Sociologist #JamesDavisonHunter warns that #civilwars are always preceded by #culturewars
#JamesDavisonHunter #civilwars #culturewars
Okay, as someone who has been unreasonably sad about the breakup of the #CivilWars, I can’t believe that #TaylorSwift got them back on the same track for a (Taylor’s Version) recording.
> .. all #DemocraticCountries that had #civilwars between 1960 and 1995 had #majoritarian or presidential electoral systems, like in the U.S. In contrast, countries with #ProportionalRepresentation were completely spared.. It’s safer when political parties have members from a variety of backgrounds. Walter says, “War is even more likely.. if at least one faction in a country becomes a #superfaction.. whose members share.. same ethnic or #RacialIdentity.. same #Religion, class and.. location.”
#religion #racialidentity #superfaction #proportionalrepresentation #majoritarian #civilwars #DemocraticCountries