Since some of #Mali's military ousted the democratic government in favor of #military rule, #Islamist violence has reached the doorstep of the capital: Extremist violence has been worse in every quarter since the military coup than in any quarter prior to the junta taking control.
In hindsight, ##security is not a reason to launch a #coup, but a reason to prevent it.
#islamist #security #coup #africa #governance #democracy #sahel #civmil #mali #military
Reading “Twice the Citizen”: How
Military Attitudes of
Superiority Undermine
Civilian Control in the United
States by @risabrooks12 and Sharan Grewal for my #civmil class. Reminds me why I have delcared myself to be a Brooksian. Just sharp, important work.
“The ultimate decision-makers are #civilian leaders. … Every #military should strive to be apolitical so they can be objective with their advice.”
—Gen. Michael Langley, Commander of US #Africa Command
#civmil #civmilrelations #democracy #governance #security #militaryprofessionalism
#civilian #military #africa #civmil #civmilrelations #democracy #governance #security #militaryprofessionalism
“The ultimate decision-makers are #civilian leaders. … Every #military should strive to be apolitical so they can be objective with their advice.”
—Gen. Michael Langley, Commander of US #Africa Command
#civmil #civmilrelations #democracy #governance #security #militaryprofessionalism
#civilian #military #africa #civmil #civmilrelations #democracy #governance #security #militaryprofessionalism
#security #civmil #military #democracy #Africa #conflict #stability
With most African conflicts and threats to citizen security emerging from domestic political crises, military professionalism can be an indispensable stabilizing factor for a society.
Last weeks roundtable on #militaryprofessionalism was full of insights by security practitioners into civil-military relations:
#security #civmil #military #democracy #africa #conflict #stability #militaryprofessionalism
#security #civmil #military #democracy #Africa #conflict #stability
With most African conflicts and threats to citizen security emerging from domestic political crises, military professionalism can be an indispensable stabilizing factor for a society.
Last week's roundtable on #militaryprofessionalism was full of insights by security practitioners into civil-military relations:
#security #civmil #military #democracy #africa #conflict #stability #militaryprofessionalism
Even when it comes to security issues, leaks are not inherently bad. Scholars of #civmil have, for example, argued that leaks can be used by military officers to limit civilians' ability to take bad decisions (.e.g. the Pentagon Leaks during the Vietnam War).
Google Alerts bring up all sorts of interesting stuff.
The actual "article" is sad--8th grade prose and ad hominem attacks. #civmil
#civmil bleg: any suggestions on readings I can assign for my MA civ-mil class for the session on domestic emergency operations, Canadian or otherwise?
Jonathan Powell, Salah Benhammou, and I just published a paper on Sudanese #military entrenchment, al-Burhan's constitutional changes after the #Sudancoup, and implications for next elections. With current developments twrds a new deal between #FFC and the military in #Sudan, it cannot be emphasized enough that structural set-ups for long-term military entrenchment can't be easily undone, even if a military voluntary retreats 👉 #civmil #mena #sahel @politicalscience
#military #sudancoup #FFC #Sudan #civmil #MENA #sahel
while we still have to finish the book and accumulate more debts there (reviewers, editor, etc), it is time to start the next project and owe more people for yet more kindness.
Thanks to all y'all.
4/4 #civmil
#civmil #democracy #security #defense :
There is a wide variance in the levels of #military professionalism observed in #Africa. In countries where it is lacking, the costs are high—persistent instability, vulnerability to malign external actors, chronic poverty, deferred investment, and stunted democratization.
Read our very popular paper on Advancing Military Professionalism in Africa to learn more:
#civmil #democracy #security #defense #military #africa
#civmil #democracy #security #defense :
There is a wide variance in the levels of #military professionalism observed in #Africa. In countries where it is lacking, the costs are high—persistent instability, vulnerability to malign external actors, chronic poverty, deferred investment, and stunted democratization.
Read our very popular paper on Advancing Military Professionalism in Africa to learn more:
#civmil #democracy #security #defense #military #africa
I have my hands on the hottest book of the season! I had fun applying #civmil theory to the Avengers! and our conversation over on that slack channel is like any discussion of #civmil. It addresses the why and the ought--why does civ-mil here operate the way it does and how it should operate. Plenty of space to blame civs and mil leadership alike ;)
EN: How I am going to celebrate this Independence Day? By writing an article on a link between a lack of democratic nature of #CivMil relations in Poland and a decline of #RuleOfLaw down here.
And how about you? 🙂
PL: Jak zamierzam celebrować najbliższe Święto Niepodległości? Przez pisanie artykułu o powiązaniu między niedoborem demokratycznych relacji ciwilno-wojskowych w Polsce i kryzysie praworządności u nas.
A jakie są Wasze plany? 🙂