@Alahav I am so happy to see you back & hope you stay (@coreyrayburnyung boost so she will!). One of the things about this platform is that without an algorithm hashtags are much more important, so I’m adding #CivPro #SCOTUS here.
📍Univ. of Piraeus-Research Methodology Course on CSDP #ESDC
While the times are challenging & dilemmas hard we have to join forces, to protect🇪🇺solidarity & preserve it as a forward-looking global power
#ClimateCrisis & #CivPro are fields where🇪🇺solidarity has concrete results
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/StylianidesEU/status/1653678159156465666
Employee sues Catholic Charities of Omaha over "life-like" active-shooter drill - alleges employees were not given a warning of the planned ‘drill.'
Question presented: Do workers’ compensation courts have exclusive jurisdiction over workplace injuries even if the employer specifically intends to do harm?
#LawFedi #Law #WorkersComp #EmploymentLaw #Nebraska #Omaha #CatholicCharities #CivPro #Jurisdiction #WorkplaceInjury #negligence #IIED
#iied #negligence #workplaceinjury #jurisdiction #civpro #catholiccharities #omaha #Nebraska #Employmentlaw #workerscomp #law #lawfedi
Employee sues Catholic Charities of Omaha over "life-like" active-shooter drill - alleges employees were not given a warning of the planned ‘drill.'
Question presented: Do workers’ compensation courts have exclusive jurisdiction over workplace injuries even if the employer specifically intends to do harm?
#LawFedi #Law #WorkersComp #EmploymentLaw #Nebraska #Omaha #CatholicCharities #CivPro #Jurisdiction #WorkplaceInjury #negligence #IIED
#iied #negligence #workplaceinjury #jurisdiction #civpro #catholiccharities #omaha #Nebraska #Employmentlaw #workerscomp #law #lawfedi
@hewittlaw Hmm. I smell a #LawStudentNote topic. #CivPro #InternationalLaw
#lawstudentnote #civpro #internationallaw
As @hewittlaw reported earlier, Judge Seeger has issued his post-hearing order in the #BlueSphere case: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.ilnd.422387/gov.uscourts.ilnd.422387.28.0.pdf
"The Court orders Plaintiff's counsel to come clean and file a statement before Judge Guzman by January 20, 2023, fully and candidly informing the Court of what they did. As stated at the hearing, this Court hereby prohibits Plaintiff's counsel from pulling any comparable maneuver in any future case...."
#bluesphere #schedulea #trademarks #lawfedi #civpro
What are your forum shopping tips and hard lessons?
Judge shopping is definitely not a good idea.
#civpro #lawtwitter #litigation
RT @veneskariteemu
Huomenna julkistetaan mielenkiintoinen kokonaisuus.
Olkaahan kuulolla.
#pelastustoimi #UCPM #CivPro https://twitter.com/Sisaministerio/status/1615009006891958272
Here's the decision in the cherry plant-patent statutory bar case (h/t @jocelynbosse): https://www.scribd.com/document/617879948/The-Queen-v-Van-Well-Nursery-Order-granting-summary-judgment-cherry-PP-case
This may also be of interest to the #CivPro crowd: It includes some good discussion about what you need to do to effectively dispute well-supported assertions of fact in opposing a motion for summary judgment.
#civpro #plantpatents #novelty #litigation
Okay, so I've seen click-wrap and shrink-wrap. But use-wrap? Is that a thing? Could it be one?
Lots going on here. #Trademarks, #Contracts, #CivPro...
I'm definitely not a contracts expert. I would love to hear what you all think about this.
#lawprofs #lawstudents #lawfedi #trademarks #contracts #civpro
Okay, so I've seen click-wrap agreements and shrink-wrap agreements. But use-wrap?
Lots going on here. #Trademarks, #Contracts, #CivPro...
I'm definitely not a contracts expert. I would love to hear what you all think about this.
#civpro #lawprofs #lawstudents #lawfedi #trademarks #contracts
Terrifying—and something I’ll share with my students on importance of deadlines. Lawyer blows case for his client after filing 16 minutes late because of his trouble with the ECF system. #lawyers #civpro #CTA10 https://www.abajournal.com/news/article/lawyer-who-missed-deadline-after-spending-25-minutes-trying-to-file-ecf-document-gets-no-mercy-from-10th-circuit
And here is the (really extraordinary) response: https://www.scribd.com/document/615796455/Blue-Sphere-v-Schedule-A-Plaintiff-statement-re-dismissals
#civpro #civpromatters #procedurematters #schedulea
RT @eu_modex: The upcoming #EuModex will take place in Lisbon/Portugal next week! There will be many motivated trainers, teams and other participants - stay tuned.
#USAR #HUSAR #CivPro #EU #EuropeanUnion #EUCivilProtection #EUsaveslifes
#EUMODEX #USAR #HUSAR #civpro #EU #EuropeanUnion #EUcivilprotection #EUsaveslifes
After many years as a transactional attorney, I’m getting more involved in supporting matters in litigation. So I find myself in need of a bit of a civ pro refresher. Glannon served me well as a 1L all those years ago, so I decided to give it another go.
RT @GeorgeBoustras: End of Day 1 #NRF2022 . Enormous thanks to all presenters esp to 🇪🇺 Commissioner @JanezLenarcic , the emblematic leader of 🇬🇷 #CivPro @nhardalias and 🇨🇾 commissioner for the Environment Klelia Vasileiou for their powerful messages. Many more to come in Day 2.
#introductions I try to help keep the wheels moving as Associate Dean / Academic Affairs at the beautiful campus of #WillametteLaw in #SalemOregon USA. I love teaching #CivilProcedure / #CivPro, #FederalCourts, as well as other courses. Scholarship (see SSRN in profile) in #AppellateProcess and judicial decision making; research in comparative #JudicialReview. Road biking and science junkie, too.
#judicialreview #appellateprocess #federalcourts #civpro #civilprocedure #SalemOregon #willamettelaw #introductions
And so it begins, my Civ Pro reading tonight is on the Erie Doctrine.
No one mentioned that it involved losing an arm though!
#civpro #lawlearn #lawstudent #law #lawfedi
Thanks to @patentlyo for letting me share some thoughts on what's going on in the NDIL: https://patentlyo.com/patent/2022/10/guest-post-about.html #DesignPatents #Patents #FederalCircuit #NDIL #CivPro
#designpatents #patents #federalcircuit #ndil #civpro
RT @eu_modex: Teams from Austria, Poland and Slovenia do their best and rescue everyone from a destroyed building! Because that’s what it is all about - teamwork and saving lives!
#CivPro #EU #EUCivPro #USAR #EUMODEX #EuropeanUnion #caveSAR
#civpro #EU #EUCivPro #USAR #EUMODEX #EuropeanUnion #caveSAR