Lovely to listen to Koumar Koushik's talk struggling against malestreaming and male writing. Does Latour escape malestreamed writing? Maybe. Maybe he is too laden with heroism and attributes involved with such. But apparently it still inspires to breach out of those grammatic, syntactic and paradigmatic boundaries. But maybe those are already without the powers of female writing - as imagined and suggested by H #Cixous.
However. While discipline and objectivism has its proven efforts, we should be much more sceptic about the techniques of reasoning, communicating, and comprehending we apply. I agree, let's get more sensitive about the lack of empathy and intrinsic incomprehensibility of durée as well as pragmatic relation and extent. #STShubDe #feministSTS
#FeministSTS #stshubde #cixous
@TimeCycles I'd like to recommend on of my fave #literary theorists, Hélène #Cixous. She's wicked fun.