#SciFi #ScienceFiction #books #bookstodon #CJCherryh
Today is C. J. Cherryh's Birthday
Carolyn Janice Cherry (9/1/1942) has written more than 80 books since the mid-1970s, including the Hugo Award–winning novel Downbelow Station:
SPECIAL COLLECTORS edition of: "Downbelow Station" by C. J. Cherryh for sale here:
(now with FREE shipping in the USA)
or see the full collection here:
#scifi #sciencefiction #books #bookstodon #cjcherryh
@Chromino I'm not new but always looking for interesting folks in the #Fediverse, #FollowFriday or not!
1. I #read and #write #scifi and #fantasy. My favorite authors are #CJCherryh and #OctaviaButler. Right now I am reading #TheFirstBrightThing by #JRDawson.
2. I play #Norwegian #Hardanger fiddle or #hardingfele.
3. I enjoy #hiking and #backpacking and just returned from a trip to #EnchantedValley on the #OlympicPeninsula in #WashingtonState.
#fediverse #followfriday #read #write #scifi #fantasy #cjcherryh #octaviabutler #thefirstbrightthing #jrdawson #norwegian #hardanger #hardingfele #hiking #backpacking #enchantedvalley #olympicpeninsula #washingtonstate
I enjoy #scifi and authors such as #Tolkien, #CJCherryh , too. Plus many more.
Something about the Atevi, aliens with emotions, morals, philosophy, duty, aspirations, but no love, no passions, no friendship, in #CJCherryh's #Foreigner series deeply reminds me of beloved R. Daneel Olivaw from #IsaacAsimov's robot novels, who sans emotions, nurtures by logic & morality the growth & flowering within himself of an all-encompassing love for humanity, a deep love and dedication to his friends.
#sciencefiction #bookstodon @bookstodon #scifi #Foundation #Asimov #robots
#cjcherryh #Foreigner #isaacasimov #sciencefiction #bookstodon #scifi #foundation #asimov #robots
@yerald @bookstodon @mmiasma I ❤️ #CJCherryh, have a special place in my heart for the Chanur books, am in awe of the Alliane/Union novels
@bookstodon I fully intended to wait and read something else before going on the next book, but the ending left me eager to see more of our whiny protagonist being made miserable by confused aliens, so I’ve already downloaded book 2! #CJCherryh #SciFi #ScienceFiction #FirstContact #books #bookstodon #Foreigner #Cherryh
#cjcherryh #scifi #sciencefiction #firstcontact #books #bookstodon #Foreigner #cherryh
Oops. I'm not very good at counting. 😅
#nnediokorafor #nkjemisin #yoonhalee #cjcherryh #robinhobb #beckychambers #marthawells #stephenking #tedchiang #stephengrahamjones #neilgaiman
This has been the year of finally reading gigantic #speculativefiction series/authors I'd ignored for years and then realizing what a terrible decision that was. Now I'm delightfully drowning in CJ Cherryh's /Foreigner/ and Steven Brust's /Vlad Taltos/ amid a Vorkosigan Saga reread, and it's overwhelming but pretty dang fun! #sciencefiction #cjcherryh #stevenbrust #vladtaltos #vorkosigan #vorkosigansaga #loismcmasterbujold #bookstodon @bookstodon
#speculativefiction #sciencefiction #cjcherryh #StevenBrust #vladtaltos #vorkosigan #vorkosigansaga #loismcmasterbujold #bookstodon
I hope an #introduction will help us get to know each other. English major who actually worked seven years in law. I enjoy watching #animation and #scifi, and playing #DungeonsDragons . Some of my favorite authors are #Tolkien, #CJCherryh , #elizabethmoon, #johncwright , #genewolfe , #patrickrothfuss , #joanneharris , and #kimstanleyrobinson.
I enjoy #cooking , #writing , and #birdwatching , and have done so while living in Japan, the US, and Australia. Pleased to meet you.
#birdwatching #Writing #Cooking #kimstanleyrobinson #joanneharris #patrickrothfuss #genewolfe #johncwright #elizabethmoon #cjcherryh #tolkien #dungeonsdragons #SciFi #Animation #Introduction
I'm terrible for having multiple books on the go. This results in some books getting sort of abandoned, not because I don't like them but because I got distracted, or it wasn't the right time. So, I'm starting a project to work through my abandoned book list, beginning this week with the classic work of science fiction, 'Downbelow Station' (1981) by CJ Cherryh. I started it during at a stressful time last spring and found it too demanding. #Sciencefiction #scifi #books #reading #cjcherryh
#cjcherryh #reading #books #scifi #sciencefiction
Hey #bookstodon folk - any tips on a good way to get books in languages other than English?
Specifically, I'd like just about anything in #cjcherryh Alliance-Union universe (preference given to #Cyteen and the #Chanur saga) in #Spanish #Español , #Italian #Italiano, and/or #Chinese #中文
#bookstodon #cjcherryh #cyteen #chanur #spanish #espanol #italian #italiano #chinese #中文
Over at #reddit there is an appreciation thread for my favourite #scifi author: #CJCherryh. Already in the 1980s she brought powerful, complex women into this genre. There are humanoid aliens, who are unfathomably different. And there is action, but also a lot of waiting for action while we watch a character or a situation to slowly develop.
My late-December book haul, in no particular order! Thanks to #ThirdPlaceBooks and #PowellsCityOfBooks (Not shown b/c they won't fit in frame: Python Crash Course, 2nd ed. and 2 fractal coloring books. Also, still waiting on a delivery. The package went for a little tour. I'm hoping to get my Tarot del Toro by my birthday.)
@mikechenwriter @neilhimself are the only two currently on Mastodon.
#NKJemisin #CJCherryh #GuyGavrielKay #TenochHuerta #IbramXKendi #SaminNosrat #tsundoku
#nkjemisin #cjcherryh #guygavrielkay #tenochhuerta #IbramXKendi #saminnosrat #thirdplacebooks #powellscityofbooks #tsundoku
Does anyone know how to buy other-language versions of books? I'd love to get ahold of #cjcherryh #Cyteen in Spanish and/or Mandarin. (Though, since it features a same-sex couple, I'd be outright shocked if I were able to find it in Mandarin.) #bookstodon
#cjcherryh #cyteen #bookstodon
The ‘Mindwipe’ #Trope in #Sciencefiction suggests #Amnesia can be induced with no wider impact. Find out how some portrayals get that wrong, and other things they get right (Unfortunately!)
Your Brain on…Books: Misadventures in neuroethics with C.J. Cherryh’s “Downbelow Station”, Patients M.L. and H.M, and the mindwipe trope
#CJCherryh #Neuroscience #PatientHM #PatientML #Neuroethics #SciFi #Neurology #SciComm #Blogging #Writing #Epilepsy #Memory #Books
#books #memory #epilepsy #writing #blogging #scicomm #neurology #scifi #neuroethics #patientml #patienthm #neuroscience #cjcherryh #amnesia #sciencefiction #trope
The ‘Mindwipe’ #Trope in #Sciencefiction suggests #Amnesia can be induced with no wider impact. Find out how some portrayals get that wrong, and other things they get right (Unfortunately!)
Your Brain on…Books: Misadventures in neuroethics with C.J. Cherryh’s “Downbelow Station”, Patients M.L. and H.M, and the mindwipe trope
#CJCherryh #Neuroscience #PatientHM #PatientML #Neuroethics #SciFi #Neurology #SciComm #Blogging #Writing #Epilepsy #Memory #Books
#books #memory #epilepsy #writing #blogging #scicomm #neurology #scifi #neuroethics #patientml #patienthm #neuroscience #cjcherryh #amnesia #sciencefiction #trope
#bookstadon my top ten favourite authors, (right now, cause it does vary!) in no order. #janeausten #ElizabethMoon #DianaWynneJones #davidweber #RobertAHeinlein #IsaacAsimov #CJCherryh #GeorgetteHeyer #LoisMcMasterBujold #iainmbanks currently enjoying #SHJucha Silver Ships series, if you like #SpaceOpera I highly recommend!
#spaceopera #shjucha #iainmbanks #loismcmasterbujold #GeorgetteHeyer #cjcherryh #IsaacAsimov #robertaheinlein #davidweber #dianawynnejones #elizabethmoon #janeausten #bookstadon
Seen a few people listing 5-7 of their favorite authors as hashtags (so we can boost the lists we like and find each other). Here are some of mine…
#UrsulaLeGuin #UrsulaKLeGuin #Earthsea
#EdgarRiceBurroughs #Barsoom
#CJCherryh #Morgaine
#TanithLee #Cyrion #TheStormlord
#ChinaMieville #BasLag #Kraken
7 is not enough…
…I could go on
#thrillers #weirdfiction #urbanfantasy #swordandplanet #marionzimmerbradley #clivebarker #neilgaiman #leighbrackett #LordDunsany #robertehoward #kraken #baslag #ChinaMieville #RaymondChandler #thestormlord #cyrion #tanithlee #morgaine #cjcherryh #barsoom #edgarriceburroughs #earthsea #ursulakleguin #ursulaleguin