RT @digiphile@twitter.com
In her remarks, @Maria_Hinojosa@twitter.com challenges journalists not to present lies without a warning to people that they're false.
Cf. @GeorgeLakoff@twitter.com's "truth sandwich."
Put the #FactsFirst in headlines & tweets, folks.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/digiphile/status/1592614641888264195
#FactsFirst #cjddemocracysummit
RT @froomkin@twitter.com
I have some video highlights from yesterday's marvelous #CJDDemocracySummit that I'd like to share with you. I think they will be worth your time. I am most interested in how the journalism industry is failing to raise the alarm about white Christian authoritarianism. 1/X
Center for #Journalism and #Democracy at #HowardUniversity:
Democracy Summit,
is an incredible 7 hours of cutting edge discourse ~
"We are about begin our #CJDDemocracySummit. We will unpack present threats to American democracy, learn about the history that shaped this moment, and confront the journalism profession’s central concepts of fact, objectivity and fairness." ~ twitter@C4JDHowardU
#journalism #democracy #howarduniversity #cjddemocracysummit
RT @froomkin@twitter.com
“There are forces in our newsrooms that are actively anti-democratic,”says @trymainelee@twitter.com #CJDDemocracySummit I wish the panel would expand on that.
@digiphile our Media and Democracy Project group http://journa.host/@MAD_democracy is honored to be in the room as well, and to have provided resources to the toolkit #CJDDemocracySummit #DemocracySummit
#DemocracySummit #cjddemocracysummit
RT @nhannahjones@twitter.com
Critical historical context on the role of mainstream journalism in helping democracy erode by @krforde@twitter.com #CJDDemocracySummit @C4JDHowardU@twitter.com https://twitter.com/digiphile/status/1592613182090006528
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/nhannahjones/status/1592621804451139584
Last panel of today's #CJDDemocracySummit: The Mandate for Pro-Democracy Journalism.
#CJDDemocracySummit continues with a session called "The Call Is Coming from Inside the House," about the mainstream press's past complicity in White nationalism and its echoes today.
RT @nhannahjones
Critical point on covering our anti-democratic political landscape. #cjddemocracysummit https://twitter.com/kevindgrant/status/1592570584873205760
RT @mattderienzo
At #cjddemocracysummit @SIfill_ is talking about the flood of voter suppression laws post-Shelby decision. Our “Who Counts?” investigation at @publicintegrity found 26 states made access to voting less equal just since 2020. https://publicintegrity.org/whocounts https://twitter.com/nhannahjones/status/1592548019370852352
RT @C4JDHowardU
"When identity is tied to partisanship, the stakes change and people stop doing the thing that they have taken an oath to do." - Avery Davis-Roberts @AveryElections #CJDDemocracySummit
Next up on #CJDDemocracySummit: The Threats to Democracy. #journalism
#journalism #cjddemocracysummit
RT @kevindgrant@twitter.com
“If you start recognizing an authoritarian problem, you might have to do something about it.” -@ruthbenghiat@twitter.com on media hesitation to name the problem. #cjddemocracysummit
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/kevindgrant/status/1592555588403466240
Watching #CJDDemocracySummit at Howard University's Center for Journalism and Democracy online. Next session is on propaganda, featuring (ph) Howard ????, Jason Stanley, and @ruthbenghiat.
RT @C4JDHowardU
We are about begin our #CJDDemocracySummit. We will unpack present threats to American democracy, learn about the history that shaped this moment, and confront the journalism profession’s central concepts of fact, objectivity and fairness.
Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXhWqDyRkQI
Looking forward to speaking at Professor Nikole Hannah-Jones's @nhannahjones #CJDDemocracySummit tomorrow at Howard University @HowardU and to learning from an amazing lineup of speakers. Live-streaming link here! https://youtube.com/watch?v=bXhWqDyRkQI