@winter #Gnunet (https://www.gnunet.org/en/) also tries to address many of these though it has issues.
Key-based addressing is ultimately the way to deal with collisions and for human-friendly names I consider petnames (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petname) the best solution to Zooko's triangle (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zooko%27s_triangle).
#Yggdrassil was sort of a response to #CJDNS' shortcomings (https://yggdrasil-network.github.io/faq.html#why-yggdrasil).
#gnunet #meshnet #Yggdrassil #cjdns
Are you on Hyperboria.net ? Cuz Crem Road is. WIP but mostly done and useful already. If you are #cjdns enabled, just point your browser to the 80 port of this soon-famous Hype IP address fc71:fa3a:414d:fe82:f465:369b:141a:f8c
@tilvids not exactly "alternative internets" but they did either mention #i2p #cjdns #scuttlebutt or something similar on their profile and are somewhat active
Might not be exactly what you're looking for, but somewhat in the direction.
I have a new node hosted by August Internet. It runs #I2P, #Yggdrasil, #Alfis and #Hyperboria / #Cjdns. Seems to me like Cjdns has a bug when peering with IPv6 addresses though.
#cjdns #hyperboria #ALFIS #yggdrasil #i2p
@kissake I think that projects like #yggdrasil are a good start at introducing application developers to what networking APIs should feel like. other neighbors in the space include #cjdns, #net2o, #ipfs, and #dat/#hypercore, to name a few--but I think most of these others are either flawed or biting off more than they can chew, while yggdrasil is modestly scoped and wrings just about all you can out of public-key-based addressing on top of the current infrastructure
#yggdrasil #cjdns #net2o #ipfs #dat
@nicd sorry, I'm not sure I understand the question. #Yggdrasil is a tun + routing protocol, kinda like #cjdns.
We have no proxy servers, we just point AAAA records to our laptops and make the requests from any machine in the world that runs #yggdrasil. If the laptops are running, the requests succeed. If the laptops aren't running, the requests fail.
The proxy comes into play if you want to have an uptime total to be equal to the union of the uptimes of all the laptops. *For that* you need a reverse proxy with active load balancing, yes.
@jvalleroy It has a few things in common with each of those, but is pretty distinct. #Yggdrasil is more similar to #cjdns and the #tinc VPN project. Compared with #Tor, strong anonymity is not a design goal of Yggdrasil, while performance and compatibility with existing software is. Yggdrasil may have some anonymity-enhancing properties over "mainnet", but not to the extent of Tor. However, they both share strong end-to-end encryption. 1/
#web3 will not be only blockchain-based.
It will primarily be about P2P connectivity over protocols like #cjdns and #yggdrasil and will lead to a significant decrease of Big Tech's market share.
#nochain #yggdrasil #cjdns #web3
@aral Alternatives to #TLS [thread]
There are lots of alternatives to TLS out there. At the protocol layer, things such as #Yggdrasil and #ipsec can make things secure. #Yggdrasil, like @cjd 's #Hyperboria (#cjdns) before it, is an overlay network where every target IP is essentially a public key. #DNSSEC also helps here.
#DNSSEC #cjdns #hyperboria #ipsec #Yggdrasil #TLS
@cjd Thank you, by the way, for all your work on #cjdns. A project that aims to replace the Internet and has a credible start on it, in a very similar way to how NSFNet started to build out, is very exciting to me. Even in my own local situation, trying to connect some very remote locations, it is immediate appeal.
@cjd Would you happen to have a "state of the project" on #cjdns? It sounds like a fantastic project, and I'm excited about the Rust implementation, but it *looks* like it is in decline (links bitrotted, Reddit communities gone for years, decline in Hyperboria nodes from 2500 in 2015 to 400 now). I completely understand that looks can be deceiving and maybe this is an area I can pitch in to help. Is it still a lively project or have you/others moved to other things? (If so, what?)
9/ Recovering free will online
Let's look at the tech. For data link and networking, of course there are #LoRA, and #XBee. #meshtastic is atop #LoRA. #Briar can form a #Bluetooth mesh. #NNCP is a powerful delay-tolerant network. #cjdns and #Hyperboria form mesh networks, optionally using the existing Internet as a backhaul; their goal is nothing less than replacing the Internet. #Tor of course provides some of this too, at a different layer.
#Tor #hyperboria #cjdns #NNCP #bluetooth #Briar #meshtastic #XBee #lora
Il mondo dei progetti pensati per togliere l'infrastruttura, i protocolli e le applicazioni internet dalla morsa centralizzata e capitalista sono un rabbit hole, dove più indago, più scopro cose ;D
BTW, qualcuno ha esperienza con #cjdns?
You use... ? #p2p #mesh #i2p #cjdns #yggdrasil
#p2p #mesh #i2p #cjdns #yggdrasil
RT @ASoTNet@twitter.com: Shipped @tomeshnet@twitter.com provisioner for @matrixdotorg@twitter.com + @RiotChat@twitter.com accessible over #cjdns mesh + #yggdrasil mesh + Internet https://github.com/tomeshnet/mesh-services/
Nice @cjdelisle@twitter.com
RT @thomasjp0x42@twitter.com #CJDNS is growing up! https://cryptpad.fr/file/?fbclid=IwAR2u9a6dS1m3VadFqktKAKyVO27vMJQbdm1uhm0koewLFz8nxRh8KNn3EvA#/2/file/vi-uM2iKsYO09YsIBTzi16tO/ cc @cjdelisle@twitter.com @MantleGlobal@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/thomasjp0x42/status/1057815473381916672
#Decentralize common #Fedora #apps with #Cjdns - Fedora Magazine
#decentralize #fedora #apps #cjdns #gnu #linux
@sxmb #mesh #networking aka #cjdns probably great work over this medium too ^^