International Reaction to Bill C-18: How Do We Avoid Being the Next Canada?
International attention to Bill C-18 is increasing. One question is on their mind: how do we avoid the failures of Bill C-18?
The Canadian government was trying to become a golden standard for how to implemen
#Copyright #BillC18 #BuffyWicks #California #Canada #CJPA #Europe #LinkTax #OnlineNewsAct #US
#us #onlinenewsact #linktax #europe #cjpa #canada #california #buffywicks #billc18 #copyright
California link tax bill #CJPA suffers from several severe deficiencies under the U.S. & California Constitutions & other laws, making the bill subject to litigation and risking judicial invalidation.
Read CCIA’s memo breaking down the issues:
Controversial California online news bill #CJPA contains many legal conflicts that run afoul of existing laws as well as the U.S. & California Constitutions.
Check out CCIA’s new legal analysis detailing the flaws & explaining concerns:
CCIA published a new memo detailing the serious Constitutional issues raised by the California Journalism Preservation Act #CJPA.
the "California Journalism Protection Act" has problems, but imho it's important to come up with better alternatives.
(#CJPA is worse than a lot of things, but better than doing nothing)
CA’s #CJPA violates the #FirstAmendment & federal copyright law, & sets a dangerous precedent by opening the door to link taxes. CCIA is disappointed with CA House lawmakers’ decision to pass this bill that harms quality local journalism & the #internet.
#cjpa #firstamendment #internet
CA House lawmakers voted today to pass #CJPA, a harmful link tax bill that will damage access to info and encourage disinformation & clickbait news by taxing links based on #internet search inquiries & social media activity.
As California lawmakers gather to vote on #CJPA, CCIA reiterates serious concerns regarding the bill's constitutionality and implications for #ContentModeration & smaller local news organizations:
During a California Assembly Judiciary Committee hearing on news link tax bill AB 886, CCIA President @MSchruers warned lawmakers that the “California Journalism Preservation Act” would not help the news media. #CJPA
@CCIAnet President @MSchruers will testify against this bill. To learn more about the harms the #CJPA could cause and why it wouldn't support local journalism read our post on the matter
The California Assembly Judiciary Committee has scheduled a hearing today at 9PDT/12EST to discuss the California Journalism Preservation Act (#CJPA), a bill that would tax links based on internet search inquiries.