Did you know - Walt Disney, who was born #OTD 1901, wore a Claddagh ring ?
His great-grandfather, Arundel Elias Disney, emigrated from Ireland to North America with his family in 1834
https://disneytrivia.tumblr.com/post/80927299986/the-famous-partner-statue-includes-a-claddagh-ring #WaltDisney #CladdaghRing
#otd #waltdisney #claddaghring
You can only take good care of someone else if you also take good care of yourself. So, here is the caregivers hand at rest on a well deserved day off.
#hand #touch #caressing #resting #caregiver #Monochrome #blackandwhitephotography #claddaghring #marjamjars
#marjamjars #claddaghring #blackandwhitephotography #monochrome #caregiver #resting #caressing #touch #hand