''#Genomic analysis of 19 viruses sequenced from this #outbreak showed that they all belonged to the #H5 #clade and were highly related to each other. Also, the viruses are similar to influenza A(#H5N1) clade viruses which have been circulating in wild birds and which caused outbreaks in poultry recently in Poland. ''
#genomic #outbreak #h5 #clade #h5n1
Wikipedia's cladogram drawing function is incredibly useful and flexible for drawing and editing cladograms on Wikipedia taxon pages:
I'd love to be able to adopt this on my own website but I'm not tech-savvy enough to understand the code or how it works.
Can anybody help? Is it Python code? Is it open source? Is it possible to install it on a Wordpress website somehow?
#wikipedia #module #clade #WordPress #code
Picking one is impossible :).
The favourites from my reading year 2022 (only a few were actually published in 2022, I suppose that doesn't matter).
#DemonCopperhead by #BarbaraKingsolver
#TheLastChairlift by #JohnIrving
#TheArbornaut by #MegLowman
#TwoYearsEightMonthsAndTwentyEightNights by #SalmanRushdie
#TheDogStars by #PeterHeller
#Clade by #JamesBradley
#NooitMeerSlapen by #WillemFrederikHermans
#OurMissingHearts by #CelesteNg
#demoncopperhead #barbarakingsolver #thelastchairlift #johnirving #thearbornaut #meglowman #salmanrushdie #thedogstars #peterheller #clade #jamesbradley #nooitmeerslapen #willemfrederikhermans #ourmissinghearts #CelesteNg #twoyearseightmonthsandtwentyeightnights
Ernst Mayr and other architects of the modern synthesis have been wary of the 'molecular revolution' in biology and the way it kept relegating older classification criteria based on sight, form & other 'macro' traits to secondary importance, while focusing on micro 'invisible', harder to track 16S ribosomal RNA phylogenetics.
Some 600 'oddball' species of #fungus, many them #symbiotic, where reclassified as part of a new #clade Lichinomycetes.
#taxonomy #fungus #symbiotic #clade